Is this email really from Microsoft? - Microsoft Community
2024年4月8日 · Hello I received this email claiming to be from Microsoft and would like to know if its genuine.
Bing Homepage Quiz - Microsoft Community
2018年4月24日 · The Bing homepage quiz stopped working on my laptop computer. I don't even get the graduation cap logo to take the quiz. The quiz loads fine on my workplace desktop. How do I get the Bing homepage
how do i get acces to the new bing? - Microsoft Community
2023年6月23日 · To access the new Bing, you would need to use the Microsoft Edge browser, then go to Bing.com homepage and sign in with your Microsoft account. Once signed in, click on the “Chat” option to access the new Bing chat. If you want to access the chatbot faster, click on the Bing icon in the upper right of your Edge toolbar. Thank you.
On the Bing Homepage, what is the ‘Popular Now’ section and is it ...
Microsoft has added the ‘Popular Now’ section to its Bing search engine. The feature is designed to let you see daily news trends by glancing at the homepage. Each day, Bing’s editorial team monitors trends and topics and updates them on the Bing homepage. The 'Popular Now' suggestions are based on top searches and are editorially selected. The same suggestions can remain for more than a ...
scam email from microsoft??? - Microsoft Community
2024年8月7日 · I received an email from Microsoft saying one of my accounts is closed. I dd not know why or if it is a scam. It asks me to click a link but I do not know if it is fake. I blocked the sender but it
Is this a fraudulent email or an official email from Microsoft?
2024年10月11日 · Hello CR.Hby Thank you for using Microsoft products and posting in the community. I know that you worry when you receive an email from an unknown sender and I understand how you feel. Being hyper-vigilant with phishing software is a very wise and commendable behavior. This type of monitoring not only protects privacy and property, but also shows a keen eye for potential cyber threats. There is ...
Seeking Solution for Scam Email Sent from My Email Address
2025年3月10日 · I'm writing to urgently request your help with a serious problem concerning my email account. Recently, I received a scam email that appeared to be sent from my email address. The email claimed to be
Bing rewards disappeared - Microsoft Community
2025年1月10日 · I went to my bing app to access rewards and the pinned screen was no longer visible and I could not “find” bing rewards. Could not do check in or searches for points.
Scam or Legit email from Microsoft? - Microsoft Community
2018年5月24日 · Hi everyone, I would very much appreciate some assistance so I can ascertain if this email i received on May 24, 2018 has fraudulent intent. Also, should Microsoft be sending from a non @microsoft
Is this a phishing scam? - Microsoft Community
2024年9月8日 · I have received an email from Microsoft about changed terms and conditions of a ‘Microsoft cash back program’. Ii want to find out if this legitimate before I click any links.