Enlightened by the sea | Bioluminescence light - Glowee
Glowee is a bioluminescence lighting system without external energy requirements. Glowee diffuses a new type of light at the crossroads between biomimicry and synthetic biology: living, organic, liquid, and respectful of biodiversity and citizens.
Glowee | Enlightened by the sea | Bioluminescence light | Australia
Glowee is a bioluminescence lighting system without external energy requirements. Glowee diffuses a new type of light at the crossroads between biomimicry and synthetic biology: living, organic, liquid, and respectful of biodiversity and citizens.
Bioluminescence by Glowee
Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by certain living organisms such as fireflies or glowworms, but also more than 80% of marine organisms. A living material that produces light We have developed a living raw material made from naturally bioluminescent marine bacteria that can be easily cultivated indefinitely in the laboratory.
The French town where the lighting is alive - BBC
2022年4月11日 · Glowee uses bioluminescent bacteria inside cylindrical tubes to produce lights that can provide a soft glow in public spaces (Credit: Glowee) From deep-sea fish to fireflies, dozens of...
Glowee – an Unreasonable company
Glowee is reinventing light production with technology nature has already created, to make lighting more sustainable and healthier for both humans and the environment. Having identified the genetic coding that creates bioluminescence, Glowee inserts this code into common, non-toxic, and non-pathogenic bacteria to produce clean, safe, synthetic ...
Harnessing Bioluminescence for Sustainable Urban Lighting
2023年5月10日 · Since 2019 the city of Rambouillet in France has partnered with a French startup called Glowee, whose goal is to harness the power of bioluminescence to develop a sustainable lighting technology. The company created a technique to grow bioluminescent, non-toxic, non-pathogenic bacteria emitting a bluish, organic glow.
Meet Glowee, the startup creating sustainable lighting from ...
2023年5月12日 · Glowee focuses on producing versions of urban furniture…that incorporate an appropriately sized and shaped tank of bioluminescent bacteria. Determined to bring her vision to life, Rey founded Glowee, a lighting startup whose products are based entirely around the light produced by bioluminescent bacteria.
蓝色萤光好浪漫 不耗电的“生物发光”点缀法国小镇 - 知乎
2022年4月28日 · 这种新的照明模式称为“生物发光”(bioluminescence),这些萤光背后的动力来源不是电力,而是倚靠有机生命体的自然光,由法国一家新创公司Glowee研发应用。
French Town to Light its Streets With Bacteria Luminescence That …
2022年4月19日 · Glowee. A French design startup wants to reimagine public lighting by introducing—much like in a fantasy or sci-fi story—bacterial and fungal bioluminescence to street lights.
Glowee lamps run on bioluminescent squid-power - WIRED
2017年4月15日 · To get that natural resource out of the ocean, Rey's Paris-based startup Glowee makes lights filled with genetically modified bio-luminescent bacteria. Now, the 26-year-old wants their soft...