Kosmos 2044 - Wikipedia
Kosmos 2044, or Bion 9 (in Russian: Бион 9, Космос 2044) was a biomedical research mission involving in nine countries plus ESA: United Kingdom, Hungarian People's Republic, East Germany, Polish People's Republic, Czechoslovakia, United States, Canada, Australia, Soviet Union and European Space Agency (ESA).
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2015年5月1日 · Bion 9 (Cosmos 2044) was a biomedical research mission involving nine countries and ESA. Eighty experiments were conducted in such categories as motion sickness, reproduction and regeneration, immunology, and readaption to a normal gravity environment.
生物-9 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻 …
生物-9 (Bion 9)于1989年9月15日发射,并携带猴子Zhakonya和Zabiyaka进行了为期14天的飞行。 船上温度问题导致蚂蚁和蚯蚓实验的损失。 卫星百科 航天大模型 已上线,欢迎使用! 禁止在任何页面泄露 国家秘密 或 商业秘密。 除特殊说明外, 本站点 内容基于 CC BY-SA 4.0 协议 共享,转载需注明来源并按相同方式共享。 加群链接: 航天讨论 、 编辑讨论 、 航天动态。 欢迎来 卫星百科官方商城 选购航天周边! 欢迎给 卫星百科和狗头人加油,为站点建设出力!
Bion (satellite) - Wikipedia
The Bion satellites (Russian: Бион), also named Biocosmos, [1] is a series of Soviet (later Russian) biosatellites focused on space medicine. The Soviet biosatellite program began in 1966 with Kosmos 110, and resumed in 1973 with Kosmos 605.
Bion 9
Bion 9 (Cosmos 2044) was a biomedical research mission involving nine countries and ESA. It was part of the Bion program. Eighty experiments were conducted in such categories as motion sickness, reproduction and regeneration, immunology, and readaption to …
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Telecommunications Details
General information for Bion 9; Launch/Orbital information for Bion 9; Experiments on Bion 9; Data collections from Bion 9; Questions and comments about this spacecraft can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office
NASA - NSSDCA - Experiment - Details
The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of microgravity on 1) metabolic enzymes of type I, IIA, and IIB muscle fibers; and on 2) metabolic enzymes, neurotransmitter amino acids, and neurotransmitter associated enzymes in selected regions of the central nervous system.
生物 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰 …
生物(Bion)是一系列苏联和后来的俄罗斯生物研究卫星,携带着用于生命科学实验的不同生物物种。 苏联的生物卫星计划始于 宇宙110号 (Voskhod型)的飞行和在几颗 天顶4卫星 上主持的生命科学实验,但后来基于 天顶2卫星 设计的修改创建了专用设计。
Cosmos 2044 - weebau.com
Also called BioCosmos 9 or Bion 9. Launch data: Designation: 20242 / 89075A: Launch date: 15 Sep 1989: Launch site: Pl, LC-41/1: Launch vehicle: Soyuz-U (11A511U) Mission: Biological sat. Satellite type Bion #9: Earth orbit on: Perigee/Apogee: 203/264 km: Inclination:
Bion 9 - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre
Bion 9, tamén coñecido como Kosmos 2044, foi un satélite artificial non tripulado da Unión Soviética pertencente á serie de satélites Bion para investigacións biolóxicas. Foi lanzado o 15 de setembro de 1989 mediante un foguete Soiuz U desde o cosmódromo de Plesetsk .