Boeing 737 - Wikipedia
The 737-900ER (Extended Range), the newest and largest variant of the 737NG generation, was launched in July 2005, first flew in September 2006, and first delivered to launch customer Lion Air in April 2007.
波音737 - 百度百科
波音737(boeing 737 )是美国波音公司于1965年开始研制的一种中短程双发喷气式客机,是世界民航历史上最成功的窄体民航客机系列之一。波音公司于1964年开始波音737设计工作,于1967年4月9日完成首飞,于1967年获得适航证和交付。
波音737 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波音737是一款中短程、雙引擎窄體 噴射客機,原本是波音707和波音727的衍生機型,為一款低操作成本的短程民航機,至今發展出14個型號。 波音737的構想始於1964年,首架波音737-100於1967年首飛,1968年2月投入服務。-200型於同年四月亦投入服務。
Boeing 737 Next Generation - Wikipedia
The Boeing 737 Next Generation, commonly abbreviated as 737NG, or 737 Next Gen, is a twin-engine narrow-body aircraft produced by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Launched in 1993 as the third generation derivative of the Boeing 737, it has been produced since 1997. [4] The 737NG is an upgrade of the 737 Classic (–300/–400/–500) series.
Boeing 737: How the most successful aircraft became the most troubled - CNN
2020年12月25日 · Over 50 years after its maiden flight, the Boeing 737 is both the most successful airliner ever made and one whose future is more uncertain than ever due to two fatal accidents involving 737...
Boeing Next-Generation 737 - The Boeing Company
The popularity of the Next-Generation 737, combined with new innovation, launched our 737 MAX Family. With more than 5,000 orders, the 737 MAX is the fastest-selling airplane in Boeing’s history. Learn more about 737 MAX.
波音新一代 737 - boeing.cn
西雅图 – 波音今日向厦门航空交付了出厂的第8888架737飞机。 这架新一代737-800飞机,在机身上特别装饰了四个“8”的纪念标识。 更多详情
Boeing 737 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Boeing 737 is a twin-engine, narrow-body airliner built by Boeing. At first, Boeing was making it to be a shorter, cheaper airliner than its 707 and 727. However, the 737 has become a family of many different models. The number of passengers it can carry ranges from 85 to 215. The 737 is the only narrow-body airliner that Boeing is making.
波音737新世代 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波音737新世代(英語: Boeing 737 Next Generation ),通常缩写为737NG,包括737-600、-700、-800及-900四个型号。 它是第三代737系列客機, 用於取代舊的 737经典型 (-300、-400及-500系列)。
波音737NG - 百度百科
波音737NG(737 Next Generation,简称737NG)是波音737的第三代产品,于1997年问世,波音737NG系列飞机包括737-600/700/800/900,波音公司在22年间共交付了7031架737NG系列飞机。737 NG与之前的型号相比,机翼面积增加了25%,翼展面积增加了近5米。