BIOREMEDIATION Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BIOREMEDIATION is the treatment of pollutants or waste (as in an oil spill, contaminated groundwater, or an industrial process) by the use of microorganisms (such as …
Bioremediation - Wikipedia
Bioremediation broadly refers to any process wherein a biological system (typically bacteria, microalgae, fungi in mycoremediation, and plants in phytoremediation), living or dead, is …
Bioremediation: Definition, Process, Techniques, Examples And …
Jun 2, 2024 · Bioremediation comprises various techniques that incorporate microorganisms to clean a polluted region. These specific microbes consume and break down the pollutants …
Bioremediation: Factors, Types, Advantages, Disadvantages
Aug 3, 2023 · Bioremediation is the process of reduction, elimination, alteration, and transformation of contaminants present in the natural environment like soil, sediments, air, and …
Bioremediation - Definition, Types, Application - Biology Notes …
May 28, 2024 · Definition of Bioremediation. Bioremediation is the use of microorganisms, plants, or their enzymes to clean up and detoxify polluted environments by breaking down and …
Bioremediation - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Bioremediation is a managed or spontaneous process in which chemical reactions mediated by (micro)biological organisms degrade or transform contaminants to less toxic or nontoxic forms, …
Bioremediation - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Bioremediation is defined as an environmentally friendly process for the removal of harmful pollutants from soil, water, and air using microbes (Alexander and Loehr, 1992). From: …
Bioremediation: An Overview on Current Practices, Advances, and …
Bioremediation, a branch of environmental biotechnology, is nowadays considered as one of the most promising alternatives. This technology uses the amazing ability of microorganisms or …
Bioremediation - Process | Types of Bioremediation | Examples
What is Bioremediation? Bioremediation is a biotechnical process, which abates or cleans up contamination. It is a type of waste management technique which involves the use of …
Bioremediation is the use of microbes to clean up contaminated soil and groundwater. Microbes are very small organisms, such as bacteria, that live naturally in the environment. …