Genomics yields biological and phenotypic insights into bipolar ...
2025年1月22日 · We report differences in the genetic architecture of bipolar disorder depending on the source of patient ascertainment and on bipolar disorder subtype (type I or type II). Several analyses...
Study Illuminates the Genetic Architecture of Bipolar Disorder
2025年3月4日 · The worldwide collaborative study was led by researchers in the Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. The study included 158,036 people living with bipolar disorder and 2,796,499 people without the disorder across 79 clinical, community, and self-report cohorts—making it the largest such study to date.
The dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook for bipolar …
2024年2月23日 · The dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook for bipolar disorder : using DBT to regain control of your emotions and your life by Van Dijk, Sheri
Suicidal Ideation in Bipolar Disorder - Psychology Today
2021年6月30日 · Passive and active suicidal thoughts in the bipolar brain. Bipolar disorder has the highest rate of suicide among psychiatric conditions, and is about 20 times higher than that of the general...
Día Internacional del Trastorno Bipolar
2023年3月30日 · El Día Internacional del Trastorno Bipolar se celebra cada año el 30 de marzo. Esta fecha fue elegida en honor al pintor holandés Vincent Van Gogh, quien se cree que podría haber sufrido de trastorno bipolar. Van Gogh experimentó episodios de depresión y manía a lo largo de su vida y su obra refleja esta intensidad emocional.
Adult attachment in bipolar 1 disorder - PubMed
Insecure attachment is found in most patients with BP1 disorder. Attachment style is affected by mood episodes so it should be assessed when a patient with bipolar disorder is in remission with minimal residual depressive or manic symptoms.
Wat is een Bipolaire stoornis? - Hersenstichting
Bij een bipolaire stoornis kan je stemming en energie van tijd tot tijd enorm wisselen. Je hebt fases van minimaal een week waarin je je overdreven goed voelt en veel energie hebt (manisch), maar ook fases waarin je erg somber bent en heel weinig energie hebt (depressief).
Bipolar bozukluk nedir ve neden Van Gogh ile ilişkilendiriliyor?
2024年3月29日 · Ünlü Hollandalı ressam Vincent van Gogh'un bipolar bozuklukla ilişkilendirilmesi ve sağlık sorunlarıyla ilgili yapılan araştırmalar. Van Gogh'un mektupları ve sanatında bulunan ipuçlarına dayanarak, bipolar bozukluk ve depresyon geçirdiği tespit edildi.
World Bipolar Day – KenBiS - Kenniscentrum Bipolaire Stoornissen
Elk jaar op 30 maart, de geboortedag van Vincent van Gogh, is het World Bipolar Day. Vincent van Gogh werd postuum gediagnosticeerd als mogelijk een bipolaire stoornis te hebben gehad. De boodschap van World Bipolar Day is om wereldwijd aandacht te vragen voor de bipolaire stoornis en stigma tegen te gaan.
Saiba mais sobre o transtorno bipolar, doença que acometeu Van …
2025年3月7日 · A data, escolhida em homenagem ao aniversário de Vincent Van Gogh, pintor holandês que foi postumamente diagnosticado com o transtorno, busca alertar a população sobre essa doença considerada um transtorno mental que não tem cura, mas pode ser controlado. Os sintomas podem incluir cansaço mental, ansiedade e outros.
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