Wax Additives - 4Candles
Bipol-X modifies the crystal structure of wax to prevent the leaching of fragrance oils from the wax. The additive will absorb the fragrance keeping the finished candle dry and eliminating sweating. Up to a maximum of 7g per 100g wax. Mix at 1g per 3ml of fragrance, Bipol-X must be heated to a temperature of around 80C to melt.
Bipol-X – CG-candle Wax Additive – 150gms – £3.50
Bipol-X modifies the crystal structure of wax to prevent the leaching of fragrance oils from the wax. The additive will absorb the fragrance keeping the finished candle dry and eliminating sweating. Up to a maximum of 7g per 100g wax. Mix at 1g per 3ml of fragrance, Bipol-X must be heated to a temperature of around 80C to melt.
Product Highlight: Bipol-X - Blogger
When used correctly, Bipol-X allows you to triple scent your candles – meaning you can add up to 30% fragrance oil! Bipol-X works by modifying the crystal structure of wax to prevent the leaching of fragrance oils from the wax. The additive will absorb the fragrance keeping the finished candle dry and eliminating sweating.
Bipol-X - pastimesltd.co.uk
CS Bipol-X modifies the crystal structure of wax to prevent the leaching of fragrance oils from the wax. The additive will absorb the fragrance keeping the finished candle dry and eliminating sweating. Up to a maximum of 7g per 100g wax. Mix at 1g per 3ml of fragrance gives the capability of 21% fragrance content eg triple scented candles.
Bipol-X - scent fixation in candles, 100g | ekokoza.com
Bipol-X modifies the crystalline structure of the wax to prevent fragrance oils from leaching from the wax.
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Bipol-x 100g - cerasoia.it
Bipol-X modifica la struttura cristallina della cera per evitare che gli oli profumati fuori escano dalla cera. L'additivo assorbirà la fragranza mantenendo asciutta la candela finita ed eliminando il sudore.
Vybar and UV Absorb - Craft Server
2018年9月21日 · Vybar 343 is used in mottled waxes and pillars at 1% (as suggested by Candlewic). It helps preserve and enhance mottling while preventing sweating caused by the FO. Vybar, polybar, and bipol-x are similar if not the same. They're polymers. Vybar is an opacifier, hardener, and oil binder.
Bipol X Wax Additive x 100grams - eBay
2024年6月13日 · The additive will absorb the fragrance keeping the finished candle dry and eliminating sweating. Up to a maximum of 7g per 100g wax. Bipol-X modifies the crystal structure of wax to aid prevention of the leaching of fragrance oils from the wax.
Bipol-x 100gr - Erfello Store
Bipol-X modifică structura cristalină a ceării pentru a preveni scurgerea uleiurilor parfumate din ceară. Aditivul va absorbi parfumul menținând lumânarea finită uscată și eliminând transpirația. Până la maximum 7g la 100g ceară. Bipol-X trebuie încălzit la o temperatură de aproximativ 80C pentru a se topi. Made in UK
bipol x and rapeseed wax - Craft forum
2012年1月27日 · Rapeseed wax is a very hard wax and should not be able to "melt in your hand". A high fragrance content turns the wax basically to mush. Unfortunatly all the additives i have come across only seem to work with paraffin wax as …