Birán - Wikipedia
Birán is a village in Holguín Province of Cuba, hamlet and consejo popular of Cueto, [2][3] best known as the birthplace of Ramón, Fidel, Raúl and Juanita Castro. Their father Ángel Castro y …
Birán - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Birán es una pequeña localidad dentro del municipio de Cueto, en la provincia de Holguín, en el este de la isla de Cuba. Es conocida por ser el lugar de nacimiento de los tres hermanos …
Birán (Conjunto histórico) - EcuRed
El Conjunto Histórico de Birán, ubicado en la jurisdicción municipal de Cueto, en la zona centro oriental de la provincia de Holguín, constituye una comunidad atípica por su estilo …
Brian Holguin - Wikipedia
Brian Holguin (/ hɔːlˈɡiːn / [1]) is an American comic book writer. Holguin is known for his work on Aria [2] and Todd McFarlane 's Spawn. He also wrote Spawn: Godslayer, a dark fantasy re …
Museo Conjunto Histórico de Birán | Attractions - Lonely Planet
Fidel Castro Ruz was born on August 13, 1926, at the Finca Las Manacas near the village of Birán, south of Cueto. The sprawling ranch, bought by Fidel's father Ángel in 1915, includes its …
2014年8月14日 · El conjunto histórico del poblado de Birán, enclavado en la actual provincia de Holguín, a 750 kilómetros al este de La Habana, fue declarado Monumento Nacional por sus …
Birán Map - Village - Cueto, Cuba - Mapcarta
Birán is a village in Holguín Province of Cuba, hamlet and consejo popular of Cueto, best known as the birthplace of Ramón, Fidel, Raúl and Juanita Castro. Their father Ángel Castro y Argiz …
The historical complex of Birán - Covering Cuba Tourism & Travel, …
2023年8月14日 · Located in the very beautiful rural enclave of Birán, belonging to the Cueto municipality, today subordinated to the northeastern province of Holguín, this complex …
2025年古巴Biran的旅游景点、旅游指南、行程 - Tripadvisor
不容错过的餐厅,让您用餐畅饮、大快朵颐。 Biran 的美食、饮品和娱乐:Tripadvisor 提供有关 Biran 的住宿、酒店、民宿、餐厅、美食、旅行、景点、购物等的评论,是您规划行程时的最佳 …
Biran, Cuba
Biran it is located in the province of Holguin. Holguín is one of the provinces of Cuba, the third most populous after Havana and Santiago de Cuba. It lies in the southeast of the country. Its …