Rexx is the single haulage solution that solves the niche haul-distance equation of mining projects – with the ability to efficiently transport a 160-tonne payload for 40km at a normal operating speed of 60km per hour.
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Specifications - Bis
Customisation Rexx has a range of interchangeable bins that are customisable by our in-house engineering department to suit the specific needs of your operation.
BIS REXX Truck Brochure PDF - manualsfortrucks
This 160-ton dump truck was produced by the Australian resource logistics company Bis. Rexx can transport its cargo for 40 km at a speed of 60 km per hour. This distance is at least four times that of most conventional mining trucks, which have a limited range due to …
Bis’ Rexx 20-wheel dump truck impresses at Glencore’s Murrin …
2019年3月19日 · Known as Rexx, the dual powered 20-wheel dump truck has been designed with a range of features specifically incorporated to deliver savings to Bis customers, the company said.
Home | Bis
We provide the specialised run of mine and longwall equipment needed to support essential activities for customers in Australia's vital underground coal mining sector.
Bis’ Rexx, Razor and HUGO solutions up for sale
2024年2月1日 · Australia-based Bis has put its innovation portfolio up for sale, a company spokesperson has confirmed. The company, which serves numerous mining houses across Australia, handles, hauls and processes millions of tonnes of …
Meet Rexx - YouTube
Rexx is the latest product to join the Bis haulage fleet, providing increased efficiency and productivity to our customers' operations through our integrated...
Bis Rexx Video - YouTube
2018年10月28日 · Meet Rexx, a revolutionary new haulage truck from Bis.
Bis Mining Trucks Technical Specifications and Operator's Manuals …
Rexx’s 4.8-meter width, tight turning radius capabilities, uniform weight distribution, and capacity to haul on up to 12% grades allow for more efficient drive pit construction, which translates to smaller and steeper haul roads with fewer cutbacks and less environmental impact.
Bis haul truck delivers results in challenging mine trials
2019年3月21日 · Known as ‘Rexx’, the dual powered 20-wheel dump truck has been designed with a range of features specifically incorporated to deliver savings to Bis customers. Rexx has more than four times the range of conventional dump trucks, outstanding maneuverability, operator comfort and maintainability plus on demand power that lowers fuel consumption.