Pelagius of Oviedo - Wikipedia
Pelagius (or Pelayo) of Oviedo (died 28 January 1153) was a medieval ecclesiastic, historian, and forger who served the Diocese of Oviedo as an auxiliary bishop from 1098 and as bishop from …
Pelagius of Asturias - Wikipedia
Pelagius (Spanish: Pelayo; [1] c. 685 – 737) was a nobleman who founded the Kingdom of Asturias in 718. [2] Pelagius is credited with initiating the Reconquista , the Christian …
The Many Faces of Pelayo – After Empire - University of St Andrews
2019年3月12日 · The depiction of Pelayo offers parallels to several biblical rulers and, furthermore, identifies him as legitimate successor of the last Visigothic kings. Thus, in the …
Pelayo Rodríguez (bishop) - Wikipedia
Pelayo Rodríguez (fl. 948–1007) was the Bishop of Iria Flavia (977–985). He was a son of the powerful magnate Rodrigo Velázquez and his wife Adosinda and is usually associated with the …
16.11.11, Codoñer and Alberto, eds., Wisigothica after M. C. Díaz y ...
2011年11月16日 · In a typically detailed chapter ("Ambrosio de Morales, Bishop Pelayo of Oviedo and the lost manuscripts of Visigothic Spain"), Roger Collins examines the copes that were …
King Pelayo King of Asturias - Roman Catholic Saints
Thousands upon thousands of Moslem warriors scaled the steep slopes toward the cave in which Pelayo awaited them. With the Moslem army, or Moors, as they were known in Spain, was a …
longs to the famous Corpus Pelagianum. This manu-script is based on a compilation by Bishop Pelayo of Oviedo (died in 1153), whose main in-tention is to emphasise the role of his …
In this article, I inquire into the reaction of the seignorial aristocracy to the royalty’s neo-Gothic claims, using the historiographical work by Count Pedro of Barcelos (c. 1285–1354). More …
Bishop Pelayo of Valencia de Campos | Historica Wiki | Fandom
Bishop Pelayo of Valencia de Campos (1029-) was the Bishop of Valencia de Campos and the Court Chaplain of the Kingdom of Leon from 1065 under King Alfonso VI of Leon. Pelayo was …
Pelayo -
Pelayo was on Mount Auseva with his people, and the army arrived and pitched their innumerable tents at the entrance of the cave. Upon a mound facing the holy cave, Bishop Oppas spoke: …