美洲野牛 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
美洲野牛 (英語: American bison)(學名: Bison bison),又名 北美野牛 、 美洲水牛 、 犎牛,是 偶蹄目 牛科 哺乳動物,也是 北美洲 體型最大的哺乳動物和世界上最大野牛之一。 儘管 …
American bison - Wikipedia
The American bison (Bison bison; pl.: bison), commonly known as the American buffalo, or simply buffalo (not to be confused with true buffalo), is a species of bison that is endemic (or native) …
Bison - Wikipedia
A bison (pl.: bison) is a large bovine in the genus Bison (Greek: "wild ox" (bison) [1]) within the tribe Bovini. Two extant and numerous extinct species are recognised. Of the two surviving …
Amerikaanse bizon - Wikipedia
De bizon (Bison bison) of Amerikaanse bizon is een Noord-Amerikaans zoogdier uit de familie van de holhoornigen (Bovidae). Door de Franse ontdekkingsreiziger Samuel de Champlain werd …
European bison - Wikipedia
The European bison (pl.: bison) (Bison bonasus) or the European wood bison, also known as the wisent [a] (/ ˈ v iː z ə n t / or / ˈ w iː z ə n t /), the zubr [b] (/ ˈ z uː b ə r /), or sometimes …
Bisamratte – Merkmale, Lebensweise und Bekämpfung - Tiere …
Die Bisamratte ist ausschließlich in Nordamerika Zuhause. Sie zählt zu den Nagetieren und wurde durch Einfuhr über Frankreich nach Europa und Asien verbreitet. Der Name ist eigentlich recht …
Research by moonlight: Study shows bison alter ... - NIU Newsroom
2023年1月25日 · The study looked at how bison reintroduction at Nachusa Grasslands — a 3,800-acre nature preserve in Franklin Grove, Illinois — has impacted the way small mammals …
American Bison - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The American bison (Bison bison) is a species of bison native to North America. Sometimes colloquially referred to as buffalo (a distinct species of bovine), it is one of two extant species …
Veterinary monitoring of gastrointestinal parasites in European bison …
It is important to monitor the level of parasitic loads in herds of European bison and to identify threats early enough to prevent their spread to other populations or species.
Physical Characteristics - American Bison (Bison bison) Fact Sheet ...
2024年5月7日 · A large headed, massive, tall but narrow-bodied bovid with a pronounced shoulder hump, short and robust legs, brown hair with a black nose, lips, tongue, hooves and …