British Journal of Nutrition | Cambridge Core
British Journal of Nutrition is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original papers and review articles across the full spectrum of nutritional science. The focus of all manuscripts submitted to the journal should be to increase knowledge in nutritional science relevant to human or animal nutrition.
British Journal of Nutrition:研究生保底神刊,IF=3,一路绿灯录 …
2024年10月24日 · British Journal of Nutrition(以下简称BJN)是一份国际性同行评审期刊,主要刊登营养科学领域的原创论文和评论文章。 所有投给该期刊的稿件都应以增加与人类或动物营养相关的营养科学知识为重点。
医学SCI期刊推荐:British Journal of Nutrition-佩普学术
2023年2月19日 · British Journal of Nutrition是一本营养学方向的期刊,创刊于1947年,由Cambridge University Press出版。 期刊现任主编分别是来自纽卡斯尔大学人口健康科学研究所的John C.Mathers教授。 期刊ISSN号:0007-1145。 01 期刊分区. British Journal of Nutrition在中科院分区(最新升级版):大类学科-医学:3区;小类学科:营养学3区;非Top期刊,非综述期刊。 在JCR分区:在90本营养学领域SCIE期刊排第48名,位于Q3区。 02 影响因子. British …
British Journal of Nutrition | The Nutrition Society
The British Journal of Nutrition (BJN) is a leading international, peer-reviewed journal of nutritional science. Established by the Nutrition Society in 1947, it publishes mainly primary research, including systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and short, topical reviews across the range of nutrition disciplines.
BJN Graphic Design - Facebook
BJN Graphic Design. 100 likes. I'm a father, husband, graphic designer, artist, toiler of a veggie patch & surfer ...
British Journal of Nursing
BJN provides nurses with an evidence base for clinical practice and a platform for professional development. It shares the information and advice that is key to unlocking your full potential. BJN brings together nursing practice, education and leadership into one comprehensive resource.
British Journal of Nutrition Impact Factor IF 2024|2023|2022
British Journal of Nutrition Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 0007-1145.
British Journal of Nursing: Vol 28, No 19
2019年10月24日 · BJN brings you closer to the forefront of nursing practice. If you are looking for a journal that contains the latest clinical developments, original research and evidence-based practice you should be reading BJN.
Available Issues - Brazilian Journal of Nephrology (BJN)
Available Issues - Brazilian Journal of Nephrology (BJN)Home Available Issues
BJN#176 – L’évaluation globale psychologique pré et post-greffe …
Cette revue montre que les patients greffés rénaux sont exposés à un risque élevé de maladie psychiatrique ayant un retentissement sur la qualité de leur vie et favorisant la non adhérence.