Diabetes footcare in dark skin tones - Legs Matter
They are subject matter experts in diabetes, tissue viability, and podiatry, among others. Designed to provide essential information as well as quick tips to improve foot care for people with dark skin tone living with diabetes.
Leg Health & Foot Care Information & Advice | Legs Matter
We are a coalition of healthcare organisations that have come together to make sure that anyone with a lower leg or foot problem understands their condition and receives the urgent care, attention and support they need. Legs Matter operates under the governance of the Society of Tissue Viability, a registered charity.
Black Legs Matter - LinkedIn
2020年10月14日 · Screening for peripheral arterial disease and peripheral neuropathy are simple and inexpensive tests that need to be performed routinely in this population to risk stratify patients and perform...
Information on Leg Care & Foot Health Problems | Legs Matter
Information and support for leg and foot problems. Legs Matter offer a wealth evidenced-based information and knowledge around the health advice on leg and foot problems.
Eric Dippel, MD FACC FSCAI on LinkedIn: Black Legs Matter: My …
Juanita was admitted with CLI, severe resting foot pain, a prior history of a TMA, and several prior interventions. Hicks allowed her to lay in the bed for FOUR DAYS before gracing Juanita with her...
Jennifer Ash, MD on LinkedIn: Black Legs Matter: My Fight To …
This is from Dr. Dippel... putting into words what so many want to say, but are hesitant to, fearing that they may become yet another target of individuals like Dr. Hicks, et al. Big numbers make ...
Black Lives Matter - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
短语“Black Lives Matter”既可以指代一个推特 话题标签、一条标语、一场社会运动,也可以指一群宣扬种族公正的群体所组成的松散联盟。 作为一场社会运动时,Black Lives Matter 是去中心化的,它的领导者们强调组织本地化而不是全国性的统一化领导 [ 51 ] 。
Black Lives Matter - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2014年 弗格森騷亂 (英語:Ferguson unrest) 中的 邁克爾·布朗 (Michael Brown)和紐約市的 艾瑞克·加納 (Eric Garner)喪生,這兩起非裔美國人的死亡所引發的街頭遊行使得「黑人的命也是命」獲得了全國性的關注 [19][20]。 自弗格森騷亂後,運動的參與者多次舉行遊行示威,抗議數名非裔美國人在警方行動或警方拘留中死亡。 2015年夏天,「黑人的命也是命」維權人士參與到了 2016年美國總統選舉 中 [21]。
Legs Matter merch – leaflets, posters, promo items and more
2019年10月6日 · We have a great range of Legs Matter branded merchandise which you can buy to help you stand up for legs any time of the year. How to order. Please download our order form below, fill it in and follow the instructions. You can email us on support@localhost if you have any questions. Download the order form. Download the price list (with pics!)
Black legs - The BMJ
2010年7月21日 · #### Short answer The bilateral skin lesions on the legs are most likely caused by pellagra. #### Long answer The most likely diagnosis is pellagra resulting from deficiency of niacin as a consequence of malnutrition and prolonged excessive alcohol consumption.