Angora Rabbit Colors - Treen Acres Rabbitry
Black Tort- Wool is a beige color over the back shading to black down the sides. Mask, feet, ears, and tail are to be black
English Angoras are Awesome: Breeding for Color - Beware of Torts
2011年9月29日 · Bottom line is, if you need to breed a tort into a color such as a black or an agouti, be sure that you are using a dark tort so that you do not lose color intensity. Additionally, some colors, such as pointed white, should never be bred to a tort unless absolutely necessary, because the tort gene itself, no matter how intensely dark it is ...
Colors - Windle Wabbits English Angoras
Torts come in 4 colors: Black tort, blue tort, chocolate tort and lilac tort. Tort is a super common English Angora color, even though it is caused by a recessive gene. Tort is decided on the E locus. E= not tort, while ee=tort. Pictured is a 4 month old (courtesy of Treasured Angoras), an 11 week old and a 3 day old.
English Angora Rabbits - RUNNING BUG FARM
Top view color comparison of blue vs black tort. The blue tort is at the bottom, the black tort is at the top.
English Angoras - gbfarm.org
2010年10月3日 · Black Tort: A two or three day old black tort kit. Notice the darker shading on the sides and head. At 2 weeks, a Tort EA looks like a Tort Holland in coloring. As adults, the Torts wool is much lighter then when younger. Note how dark the Tort nose is compared to the 4 mth Blue Tort below. Blue Tort
English Angora Colors – Country Bumpkin Bunnies
Not all colors are showable colors with the ARBA. This is also true of patterns for the English Angora breed. We will start with the basics. Below is one photo for each color. To see multiple photos in all colors and ages, please refer to our Bunny Blog! Please note that this is not our genetics page. That is going to be added shortly.
English Angora Basic Genetics – Country Bumpkin Bunnies
Here is some basic terminology to begin learning rabbit coat color genetics for the English Angora rabbit breed. The color of wool or fiber of an English Angora is determined by many different genes that control the outcome of your rabbits coat color. Each rabbit is a base color with a density of dark to dilute pigment.
Angora Color Gallery - DOLLY ROCK FARM AND FIBER
Determining the color of your angora is easy if you follow a few simple guidelines. All colors are black, blue, chocolate or lilac based. Blue and Lilac are the dilute versions of black and chocolate. With the exception of sheen in the satin angora making overall color more rich and vibrant, colors across the 4 angora breeds are the same.
English Angora Rabbit – Complete Guide & Top Facts - Animal …
The most common colors are white, black, blue, chocolate, blue tort, black tort, chocolate, tort, and chestnut. The English Angora is a good-tempered rabbit that makes a wonderful companion. They are very sociable and will love to spend time with their family members.
Photos of Angora Rabbit colors | Angora Rabbits
The kit in the background is tortoiseshell, or "black tort," which is tortoiseshell (ee, double recessive, of the extension gene, so that the colors black or chocolate is restricted to the mask and extremities) with the black color (BB or Bb).