Boeing 747SP blank illustration templates - Norebbo
2024年6月21日 · Besides looking like a cartoon version of the 747-100/200, the SP has some very unique visual attributes which are hard to see at first glance. I’ll start this list with the more obvious visual differences first, and then work my way down to the stuff that isn’t as noticeable: The fuselage is 48’-4” (14.73 m) shorter.
747 Series - Norebbo
2024年6月21日 · Boeing 747-400 blank illustration templates with Pratt & Whitney and Rolls Royce engines
All White Boeing 747SP with Pratt & Whitney engines template
2d side profile illustration of an all white Boeing 747SP (featuring Pratt & Whitney engines) with and without the landing gear deployed over a blank background. Note that all versions (JPG, PNG, and PSD) contain both polished aluminum AND painted (white) engines.
Boeing 747SP - Wikipedia
The Boeing 747SP (for Special Performance) is a shortened version of the Boeing 747 wide-body airliner, designed for a longer range. It is the highest flying subsonic passenger airliner, with a service ceiling of 45,100 feet (13,700 m).
Boeing 747-100 blank illustration templates - Norebbo
2024年6月21日 · There were a ton of submissions, and the winner ultimately came down to: the 747SP. That was both exciting AND scary for me, since it’s become painfully clear that I’ve procrastinated on the 747 family of aircraft for far too long, and I …
747 Sketch at PaintingValley.com | Explore collection of 747 Sketch
Boeing 747 8i Blank ... 1024x570 7 0. Like JPG. Boeing 747sp Cutaway... 992x597 6 0. Like JPG. 747 400 Norebbo - 74... 1024x614 2 0. Like JPG. 747 400bcf Blueprint... 1024x614 2 0. Like JPG. Boeing 747 Tattoos B... 376x500 2 0. Like JPG. Jal 747 400 By Audom... 1024x670 2 0. Like JPG. Sketches By Kevin Gr...
波音747SP / Boeing 747SP - 中英文维基百科词条融合,由辽观搬 …
波音747SP (Boeing 747SP),又称为747-100SP,是美国航空器制造商波音公司所出品的大型商用机系列波音747底下的一种亚型。 其命名中的“SP”是“特殊性能”( S pecial P erformance)的缩写,是因应超长程飞行而将机身缩短(较747-100/200/300/400缩短了14.35米,较747-8缩短 ...
被搁置的747ASB:差点让777推迟诞生 曾是波音应对MD-11竞争的 …
SP是英文“特殊性能(SpecialPerformance)”的缩写,作为747-100的特殊版本,747SP缩短了飞机机身,减少载客量,同时增加了航程。 当年,波音试图用这款飞机与DC-10和L-1011等较747稍小的三发客机竞争,并喊出了从伦敦直飞澳大利亚的口号。
波音747-100SP - 百度百科
波音747-100SP(Special Performance,特殊性能):又称为747SP,是波音747-100型的缩短型,波音将100型的后机身缩短14.3米,加大了航程,用于低密度远航程航线,但载客量较747-100型少(三级客舱布局220人左右),续航距离达到12,300公里。
波音747SP - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波音747SP (Boeing 747SP),又稱為 747-100SP,是 美國 航空器製造商 波音公司 所出品的大型商用機系列 波音747 底下的一種亞型。 其命名中的「SP」是「特殊性能」(S pecial P erformance)的縮寫,是因應超長程飛行而將機身縮短(較747-100/200/300/400縮短了14.35公尺,較747-8縮短了20公尺)、降低阻力,進而延長最大航程的機種。 SP當初的開發目的是與 麥道DC-10 及 洛歇 L-1011 三星客機兩種三引擎飛機競爭。 SP的載客量較少(三級客艙下只有220 …