DVD/CDROM drive won't recognize blank CD-R in disk tray …
2019年4月4日 · I know this question has been floated around the internet for a long time with 100's of remedies but still can't figure out what is going wrong. My Hp Desktop computer won't recognize that I have a blank CD-R in the tray. I put the same blank cds into my Hp laptop and they read just fine. The Hp desktop does read other cd's just not blank ones.
Windows 10 will not recognize blank CD or DVD
2022年8月23日 · I have two Dell desktops, each was able to format and burn files to CD's and DVD's previously. Neither will do so now. I have tried deleting the drives and rebooting but problem still remains. I can
why won't my media player detect a blank disc?
why won't my media player 11 detect a blank disc and let me burn cd's. Skip to main content. Microsoft ...
how to copy or burn a music cd to a blank cd - Microsoft …
2025年3月5日 · Insert a blank CD into your computer's DVD drive. This must be a brand-new CD-R or CD-RW (or, if you're creating a storage CD, a brand-new DVD). Open Start Windows Open Windows Media Player. Click the Burn tab. It's in the upper-right …
SOLVED: Windows 10 and Inability to Burn Blank CD/DVD and/or …
2025年3月5日 · I had posted here and on other sites about not being able to Burn blank DVDs and/or my PC was no longer able to read blank DVDs after the May 2021 Windows 10 Feature update 20H2. After searching and posting for over 5 months, trying to use an external DVD player (more advice - try to use another optical drive) - I finally found a solution from ...
Media Player not recognizing blank CDs - Microsoft Community
2011年11月30日 · Just 20 to 30 seconds, a dialogue box came up, and it saying "Please insert a blank disc in CD Drive once Windows Media Player detects the new disc, it will automatically start burning". I inserted a new disc again, the same dialogue box came up again.
DVD RW Drive (E:) does not recognize blank cds, music cds, and …
2010年8月8日 · This just started the other day, I first tried to upload a bought cd into my library. Windows Media Player keeps saying that I need to insert a disc. Then I tried using a DVD and a blank CD-R and the same result. I tried updating my driver and using microsoft support for "Your CD or DVD drive cannot read or write media".
my media player does not detect my blank cd when i am trying to …
Hi, I just have a few questions to better understand the situation: 1. Is it just Windows Media Player that is unable to detect the CD burner?
Bought 90-minute recordable CD but Media Player still set for ...
2024年9月2日 · Blank CDs I bought are PHILIPS High Capacity 800 MB 90 MIN. How can I adjust Media Player to recognize that greater space, or what is a 3d party utility? I am using a VERBATIM DPAA External Slimline CD-DVD Writer.
Windows 10 won't read blank CD's - Microsoft Community
2022年6月29日 · For some reason, my CD/DVD burner in my Dell Inspiron stopped recognizing blank CD's. The drive actually works fine since iTunes, Windows Media Player & Wondershare Uniconverter all recognize & burn without any problems. The issue is that I can't burn a data cd (PDF's, Word, Excel etc) since Windows won't/can't read the blank disks.