Human BLAT Search
BLAT on proteins finds sequences of 80% and greater similarity of length 20 amino acids or more. In practice DNA BLAT works well on primates, and protein BLAT on land vertebrates. BLAT is …
序列比对工具 | BLAST、 BLAT、 diamond - 简书
2022年1月5日 · BLAST(Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)是一套在蛋白质数据库或DNA数据库中进行相似性比较的分析工具。 BLAST程序能迅速与公开数据库进行相似性序列比较。 …
生物信息百Jia软件(八):blat - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Blat的全称是The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool,可以称为"类BLAST 比对工具",由W.James Kent于2002年开发。 当时随着人类 基因组 计划的进展,把大量基因和 ESTs 快速定位到较大 …
通用工具 | 比对 - 工具 | BLAT - 《组学分析》 - 极客文档
2025年1月8日 · BLAST是将搜索数据库中所有与子序列精确匹配的序列(hit)向两个方向继续延伸,即延伸发生在一两个相邻位置的hit之间;BLAT则可以扩展任何数目的hit。 BLAST将两个序 …
Genome Browser FAQ - BLAT
BLAT is commonly used to look up the location of a sequence in the genome or determine the exon structure of an mRNA, but expert users can run large batch jobs and make internal …
Blat Spec and User's Guide
Untranslated indexes are used for nucleotide-based blat queries and the in-silico PCR utility. A normal blat index uses approximately one-quarter of a byte per base. For blat on smaller …
HCC-DOCS - University of Nebraska–Lincoln
BLAT is a pairwise alignment tool similar to BLAST. It is more accurate and about 500 times faster than the existing tools for mRNA/DNA alignments and it is about 50 times faster with …
BLAT (bioinformatics) - Wikipedia
BLAT connects each homologous area between two sequences into a single larger alignment, in contrast to BLAST which returns each homologous area as a separate local alignment. The …
Blat_类BLAST 比对工具 & GNU Parallel - AdaWongCorner - 博客园
"Blat" Blat,全称 The BLAST Like Alignment Tool,可以称为 "类BLAST 比对工具" ,对于DNA序列,BLAT是用来设计寻找95%及以上相似至少40个碱基的序列。 对于蛋白序列,BLAT是用 …
BLAT - UFRC - University of Florida
2022年8月15日 · BLAT is much faster than older tools such as BLAST for nucleotide and protein alignments, and it can also perform spliced alignments of RNA to DNA. BLAT uses a space …
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