来自泰国的烈酒:Blend 285初体验_洋酒_什么值得买
言归正传,说回这次尝试的Blend 285,按小伙伴的介绍,这是泰国市场上备受赞誉的烈酒之一,号称是用陈年的苏格兰麦芽、谷物威士忌和高质量的中性烈酒精心酿造的混合烈酒。
不算威士忌的威士忌 | BLEND 285 - 哔哩哔哩
BLEND 285是混合烈酒,由陈年的苏格兰麦芽、谷物威士忌和高质量的中性烈酒精心酿造。 这是在泰国红牛酒厂用35%的酒精瓶装的。 这种精心混合的液体,散发出威士忌爱好者的芳香和风味。 平滑和平衡的性格是通过焦糖的味道,层叠的泥炭麦芽暗示。
BLEND 285 700ml | ThaiWineryHouse&Tour
This is a blend of locally produced Thai whisky and peated malts from the Inver House distilleries in Scotland, and sells a million cases each month in Thailand.
Blend 285 - WhiskyCast
This is a blend of locally produced Thai whisky and peated malts from the Inver House distilleries in Scotland, and sells a million cases each month in
BLEND 285 SIGNATURE 1L | ThaiWineryHouse&Tour
The liquor is aged in white oak barrels from the White Oak forest in the eastern United States for a minimum of 3 years until it has a mellow aroma and a smooth taste that is unique to Blend 285 Signature.
How good is Thailand’s best whiskey – Hong Thong?
2025年3月11日 · Whiskey is a product of distilling alcohol made from grains and that is exactly what Hong Thong and Blend 285 are (even if they still contain some molasses), Thailand’s most popular whiskeys and like most other brands being produced by Thailand’s largest beverage company, ThaiBev.
Blend 285 - Whiskybase - Ratings and reviews for whisky
Whiskybase: discover new bottles, track your collection, contribute to the whisky database and buy or sell on the whisky Market.
Whisky #553: Blend 285 Thai Whisky - Whisky a Day
2019年5月4日 · Blend 285 Thai Whisky. Bangkok, Thailand. ABV: 35%. Tasted poolside at the Hyatt Regency Phuket, ฿140 (approx. $6.25AUD) from a 7-Eleven for a 345mL bottle. Whisky a Day is on tour in Thailand for a short holiday, so it behooves me to try some of the local whisky.
タイのウイスキー 「ブレンド 285 シグネチャー」(Blend 285 …
2022年10月26日 · 知人にタイのウイスキー「ブレンド 285 シグネチャー」 (Blend 285 Signature) のハイボールを薦められて、私も挑戦してみることに。 このウイスキーは、ビア・チャーン (เบียร์ช้าง) の会社であるタイ・ビバレッジ (Thai Beverage) のブランドです。 ウイスキーは、タイ語でラオ・ウイスキー (เหล้าวิสกี้) と言います。 以前から黒ラベルの ブレンド285 なるウイスキーがあるのですが、 ブレンド 285 シグネチャー は、その上位クラスの金ラベ …
Blend 285 – Best Selling Thai Spirits
BLEND 285 uses the traditional Scottish methods of double-distillation and mature our whisky in oak barrels for number of years to create the perfect spirits. Notes of caramel with a wisp of smoked peat. Balanced and subtle with a soft mouth-feel. Gentle and smooth spicy finish with a hint of smokiness.