BLF GT - Lumintop
The GT was designed by BLF, for BLF, and brought to life by top-tier manufacturer Lumintop. We trust it will serve you well in whatever your endeavors might be! Thank you for supporting this …
Lumintop BLF GT review | long-range thrower with 1 million cd
The Lumintop BLF GT is a next-generation super thrower, commonly called the GigaThrower. It was developed by members of BudgetLightForum, in collaboration with the renowned …
2万流明终极杀器BLF雷鸣兔GT94横向评测含拆解_户外照明_什么 …
2021年1月13日 · 此次评测的 GT 94是BLF里旗舰级别的产品,主打大功率远射。 Luminus的SBT-90这颗LED基本上属于目前最强的远射LED了,GT94一口气配了4颗,加上高效的直驱驱动, …
Lumintop BLF GT 2000 Meters Ultra Throw Flashlight 2000 Lumens
The GT was designed by BLF, for BLF, and brought to life by top-tier manufacturer Lumintop. We trust it will serve you well in whatever your endeavors might be! It is a super bright and ultra …
Lumintop BLF GT mini review | Long-range flashlight |1Lumen
The BLF GT Mini is a small, yet powerful long-distance thrower. Fits in your pocket and does over 100Kcd! (Mine does ...
Lumintop BLF GT90 review | 1.8Mcd (2.7km/ 1.69 miles) flashlight …
Say what? Another BLF GT flashlight? Okay… this must be the 5th? Not sure, but the Lumintop GT lineup has been very, very popular amongst flashaholics and outdoor enthusiasts. It all …
Lumintop BLF GT90 7000 Lumens High Intensity Flashlight SBT90
Driver: 80 W, 23 A regulated buck driver with conversion efficiency that exceeds 90%. Parasitic drain while OFF is ~150 μA (~250 μA with button back-light on).
Lumintop BLF GT70 XHP70.2 7500LM 1400M Thrower Flashlight
Instant access to a 2.5 A TURBO mode is also provided. [2] A more conventional discrete level MODE-SET UI is available as an alternative. Anyone of 12 pre-defined mode-sets can be …
Lumintop BLF GT94 20000 Lumens 2500 Meter Throw
Instant access to a 21 A TURBO mode is also provided. [2] A more conventional discrete level MODE-SET UI is available as an alternative. Anyone of 12 pre-defined mode-sets can be …
GTmini - Lumintop
Based on the model BLF GT and the original design team, the GT mini is a mini version thrower that runs on a single 18650 cell. Compare with GT, the tiny size allows it much convenient for …
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