Rectal Bleeding (Blood in Stool): Causes, Colors & Treatments
Jun 8, 2023 · Looking down into a toilet and seeing blood in your stool (poop) can be alarming. Your mind might go to many places as warning bells ring that something’s wrong. Rectal bleeding is a symptom of many different conditions, some more serious than others.
Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleeding: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
Jun 27, 2022 · Blood tests check for signs of GI bleeds, such as anemia, using a sample of your blood. Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is a lab test that checks for signs of blood in a poop sample. CT scan is a sophisticated imaging study that uses …
Melena (Black Stool): Causes & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
Black stool is a sign of older blood in your stool. The blood turns black and tarry while traveling through your GI tract from higher up, where it started — usually in your stomach or upper small intestine.
Intestinal Parasites & Worms: Symptoms, Types, Treatment
Do intestinal parasites show up in poop or in the toilet? Usually, it’s the eggs — not the intestinal worms — that show up in poop. They’re so small that you need a microscope to see them. Tapeworms are the exception. Segments of the tapeworm sometimes break off …
Blood In Urine (Hematuria): Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment
Hematuria is blood in your pee. There are many different causes. A healthcare provider can diagnose the exact cause and recommend the most appropriate treatment.
Blood In Semen (Hematospermia): Causes & Treatment
Why would I have blood in my semen? The most likely causes of blood in your semen are: A small blood vessel that bursts during ejaculation, like how you might get a nosebleed after blowing your nose. Trauma from a medical procedure on your urinary or reproductive systems, such as a vasectomy or biopsy on your prostate. You may see blood in your ...
Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) - Cleveland Clinic
Sep 30, 2022 · A fecal occult blood test is an at-home screening used to find the tiniest traces of blood in stool, which is a sign that something is wrong in your digestive tract. FOBT is often used for colorectal cancer screening, but a positive FOBT result on its own isn’t a cancer diagnosis.
What Does My Stool (Poop) Color Mean? - Cleveland Clinic
Feb 11, 2025 · Use a stool color chart to figure out what’s causing your poop color to change. What does the color of your poop mean? While brown poop is ideal, you’ve probably had poop that’s green, yellow or even red.
Bile Acid Malabsorption: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Oct 19, 2022 · The symptoms of bile acid malabsorption — primarily, bile acid diarrhea, or BAD — result from the buildup of bile acids in your colon, where food waste turns to poop. Normally, 95% of the bile acids in your small intestine are reabsorbed in the last segment (the ileum) before passing on to your colon.
Fecal (Bowel) Incontinence: What It Is, Causes & Treatment
You may need a blood test or stool test to check for causes of frequent diarrhea, like infection-causing microbes (bacteria, viruses and parasites).