Mark 82 bomb - Wikipedia
BLU-126/B – Designed following a U.S. Navy request to lower collateral damage in air strikes. Delivery of this type started in March 2007. Also known as the Low Collateral Damage Bomb …
GBU-51/B BLU-126/B Low Collateral Damage Bomb (LCDB)
The BLU-126/B, Low Collateral Damage Bomb (LCDB), can be used with the same guidance kits as the BLU-111, including those for laser guided bomb and joint direct attack munitions.
BLU-126 Aircraft Bomb - CAT-UXO
This is the American BLU-126, a Mk-82 High-Explosive (HE) Low-Drag-General-Purpose (LDGP), thermally protected, aircraft-bomb designed following a US-Navy request to lower collateral …
Boeing JDAM - Designation-Systems.Net
BLU-126/B: The BLU-126/B LCDB (Low Collateral Damage Bomb) is externally identical to the BLU-111/B, but is filled with less explosives for a reduced fragmentation pattern blast radius.
This Is The USAF's "Safer" Carbon Fiber Bomb That's Also ...
2019年6月30日 · In the Air Force’s latest budget request for the 2019 fiscal year, which it released earlier in February 2018, the service asked for a little more than $8 million to buy just 70 of the …
Mk 82 Aircraft Bomb - GICHD
This was given the designation Bomb Live Unit 126/B (BLU-126/B), also known as the Low Collateral Damage Bomb (LCDB). The BLU 126/B has been specifically designed to produce a …
2007年5月18日 · BLU-126/B 炸弹被称为低附带损伤炸弹 (LCDB),项目由海军精确对地攻击武器项目办公室 (PMA 201)负责管理,其外形与227kg重的BLU-111炸弹完全相同,只是装 ...
Mk 80系列炸彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
又稱為低附帶損傷炸彈(Low Collateral Damage Bomb,LCDB),係 美國海軍 為降低空中攻擊時發生的附帶損傷(collateral damage)而設計,2007年3月開始接收。 在BLU-111炸彈中加 …
详解斩首行动专用地狱火导弹,降低附带杀伤,美军的科研成果很 …
2021年5月15日 · BLU-126/B低附带伤害炸弹(LCDB),使用与BLU-111相同的制导套件,但是将主装药的质量降低到30磅以下,并用惰性材料替换移除的炸药。
2019年8月22日 · system The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a low-cost, autonomously controlled, adverse weather, accurate guidance kit tailored for Air Force/Navy general purpose …
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