Salvia x sylvestris ‘Blue Hill’ (‘Blauhugel’ Sage) - Gardenia
An excellent blue Sage, Salvia x sylvestris 'Blue Hill' or 'Blauhugel' forms eye-catching, compact, bushy clumps that are covered with stunning spikes of rich violet-blue flowers, appearing in early summer and lasting throughout the summer.
Salvia Blue Hill - Bluestone Perennials
Salvia Blue Hill - Common name: Meadow Sage - A great color introduction in Salvia, truest blue and as tough and as profuse a bloomer as the others. Can be cut back to rebloom early in the fall. Easy to grow, salvia perform best in full sun.
Blue Hill Salvia - High Country Gardens
Salvia sylvestris 'Blue Hill' is a superb selection grown for its late spring display of clear blue flowers held over sturdy compact mounds of green foliage. It is extremely cold hardy, resistant to browsing deer and rabbits and loves heavy clay soils. …
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Blue Hill Salvia Plants | Breck's – Brecks
Welcome butterflies to your garden all summer long with the striking Blue Hill Salvia, a hardy perennial that grows up to 15 inches tall.
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Salvia × sylvestris 'Blauhügel' BLUE HILL - Plant Finder
‘Blauhugel’, commonly sold under the trade name of BLUE HILL, features pure blue flowers on stems rising to 20” tall. Some susceptibility to powdery mildew, leaf spot and rust. Spider mites, lacebugs, whiteflies, and scale are occasional insect pests. Perennial borders, cottage gardens, butterfly gardens or wild gardens. Interesting accent.
Blue Hill Salvia - Nature Hills Nursery
The Blue Hill Salvia (Salvia x sylvestris 'Blauhugel') has glowing purple stems loaded with true blue flowers that bloom from June to October. With its gray-green aromatic foliage, it makes an attractive accent all summer long and reblooming until frost!
'Blue Hill' meadow sage - Fine Gardening
This drought-tolerant perennial bears abundant pure blue flower spikes in early summer and until fall if spent flowers are removed promptly. It forms an erect clump 20 inches tall by 18 inches wide, with wrinkled, softly hairy leaves.
Salvia x sylvestris 'Blue Hill' - White Flower Farm
With electric blue wands of blossoms that stand out from a distance to stage a performance that lingers after most Salvias bow out, ‘Blue Hill’ is a deer resistant, pollinator-pleasing workhorse. Combine it with Nepeta and Sedums.
Blue Hill Meadow Sage, Salvia nemorosa | American Meadows
'Blue Hill' Meadow Sage boasts striking, lilac-blue blooms and wonderfully fragrant foliage. A compact sage that works beautifully in border plantings and containers, 'Blue Hill' is both deer and rabbit resistant and tolerates dry, hot weather like a pro.
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Salvia nemorosa 'Blue Hill' ('Blauhugel') - Perennial Resource
Common Name: Perennial Salvia, Garden Sage. A wonderful Salvia originating from Germany. Distinctly blue flowers. This selection is very long-flowering with a wonderful compact habit. Its foliage is aromatic when crushed. Easy to grow in almost …