Fix Bluetooth problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
This article covers most common issues related to Bluetooth such as Bluetooth not pairing, Bluetooth audio issues, missing Bluetooth and more, along with step-by-step troubleshooting solutions for each.
Memperbaiki masalah Bluetooth di Windows - Dukungan Microsoft
Artikel ini membahas masalah yang paling umum terkait Bluetooth seperti tidak dipasangkan Bluetooth, masalah audio Bluetooth, Bluetooth yang hilang, dan lainnya, bersama dengan solusi pemecahan masalah langkah demi langkah untuk masing-masing.
Bluetooth devices do not work correctly on a computer that is …
2010年2月24日 · Fixes an issue in which Bluetooth devices do not work correctly on a computer that is running Windows 7.
Corrigir problemas de Bluetooth no Windows - Suporte da Microsoft
Este artigo aborda os problemas mais comuns relacionados com Bluetooth, como bluetooth não emparelhamento, problemas de áudio Bluetooth, Bluetooth em falta e muito mais, juntamente com soluções de resolução de problemas passo a passo para cada um.
Odpravljanje težav s povezavo Bluetooth v sistemu Windows
V tem članku so opisane najpogostejše težave, povezane s povezavo Bluetooth, kot so seznanjanje prek povezave Bluetooth, težave z zvokom Bluetooth, manjkajoči Bluetooth in drugi, skupaj z rešitvami po korakih za posamezno napravo.
Troubleshoot problems with your Microsoft mouse or keyboard
Start the Bluetooth troubleshooter: Select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Additional troubleshooters. Under Find and fix other problems, select Bluetooth > Run the troubleshooter and follow the instructions.
Deprecation of Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) and …
Bluetooth. Open Get Help for Bluetooth. Camera. Open Get Help for Camera. Network and Internet. Open Get Help for Network and Internet. Printer. Open Get Help for Printer. Program Compatibility. Open Get Help for Program Compatibility. Video Playback. Open Get Help for Video Playback. Windows Media Player. Open Get Help for Windows Media Player ...
Enable Bluetooth Devices in Control Panel for your mouse or …
When you open Control Panel, the Bluetooth Devices item is not present. Additionally, your computer may not recognize your Microsoft Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. Cause. This issue occurs if one of the following conditions is true: The Bluetooth Support service has …
Koppeln eines Bluetooth-Geräts in Windows - Microsoft-Support
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Bluetooth in Windows aktivieren und ein Bluetooth-Gerät verbinden.
Risolvi i problemi relativi al Bluetooth in Windows
Questo articolo illustra i problemi più comuni relativi al Bluetooth, ad esempio l'assenza di associazione Bluetooth, i problemi audio Bluetooth, la mancanza di Bluetooth e altro ancora, oltre a soluzioni dettagliate per la risoluzione dei problemi per ognuno di essi.