Blur Studio
Blur Studio is a production company known for game cinematics, commercials, feature films, and Netflix's Love, Death + Robots.
Blur Studio - Wikipedia
Blur Studio Inc.[1] is an American visual effects and computer animation company which specializes in CGI visual effects, CGI animation, and CGI design. Located in Culver City, California, [2] the studio has produced CGI-animated films, teasers and ad spots for television, as well as video-game CGI cinematics.
Blur Studio_百度百科
Blur Studio,是业界最知名的CG动画公司之一,成立于1995年。 他们的工作室位于美国加利福尼亚州,是一个艺术级的特效动画工作室。
About - Blur Studio
In 1995, Tim Miller founded Blur as a studio for animators and artists to collaborate and be in control of their creative destinies. Since then, Blur has evolved into an award-winning production company with work spanning the realms of game cinematics, commercials, feature …
关于blur studio你都知道些什么? - 知乎
Blur studio的老板Tim Miller,也就是死侍的导演,同时也是我们的客户。 基层技术工作者起家,Tim与他的合伙人Jeff Fowler的目标是成为生产原创内容的导演,并且在多年前获得过奥斯卡动画短片奖。
Blur Studios_百度百科
Blur Studio是业界最知名的CG动画公司之一,他们的作品主要涉及到游戏行业,但是他们还涉足于电影、商业和音乐电视等领域。 他们的动画短片――《Gopher Broker》译名:《地鼠的故事 …
从软件工程到首席特效师!专访「爱死机」幕后团队BLUR国人大 …
2022年9月22日 · wuhu:BLUR STUDIO是全球顶尖的创意团队,“爱死机”中一些非常写实的镜头和酷炫的创意都出自于这里。 从2013年到2022年,您在BLUR STUDIO度过了8年多的职业生涯,可以和我们分享一下这是一支怎样的团队么?
Love Death & Robots Volume 3 | Blur Studio
The eleven-time Emmy winning animation anthology Love, Death & Robots is back again on May 20th! Volume 3's nine new short films might just be the most ambitious of them all. They include David …
【英雄联盟】谁做了LOL最烧钱的CG动画?- BLUR Studio_哔哩哔 …
BLUR Studio是全球最顶尖的游戏CG动画工作室,也是拳头最信任的合作伙伴。 今天我们就一起走进这个制作了《命运的曲折》,《新的曙光》,《战士》和《You really got me》动画CG的BLUR Studio。
Blur Studio - LinkedIn
Hello, we are Blur Studio, an award-winning CG animation company in Los Angeles. For over 27 years, Blur has been a place where artists collaborate and control their creative destinies.