Lysosomal damage drives mitochondrial proteome remodelling …
2022年11月28日 · Confirming a role for cathepsins in the lysosomal damage-dependent impact on mitochondrial function, the mitochondrial membrane potential was higher in BMDM CtsB KO and CtsL KO when compared to...
Lysosomal Cathepsin Release Is Required for NLRP3 …
Lysosomal cathepsin B (CTSB) has been proposed to play a role in the induction of acute inflammation. We hypothesised that the presence of active CTSB in the cytosol is crucial for NLRP3-inflammasome assembly and, consequently, for mature IL-1β generation after mycobacterial infection in vitro.
Using IL-4-polarized BMDMs, Shi et al. showed that OGT catalyzes Serine 210 O-GlcNAcyla-tion of Cathepsin B, resulting in increased maturation and secretion of active Cathepsin B. This process is glucose dependent since inhibiting glucose affected S210 O-GlcNAcylated Cathepsin.
Lysosomal cathepsins act in concert with Gasdermin-D during …
2022年12月8日 · Bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) from C57BL/6j WT or Nlrp3 −/− mice were pretreated with the cathepsin B inhibitor Ca-074Me (25 μM), primed with LPS (200 ng/ml, 3 h).
2022年8月9日 · BMDM lacking CtsB or CtsL the degradation of mitochondrial proteins was significantly reduced, indicating that both CtsB and CtsL contribute to mitochondrial protein degradation after endolysosome damage (Fig. 1d and Extended Data Fig. 1d) .
结核分枝杆菌在感染的巨噬细胞中激活NLRP3-炎症小体需要溶酶体 …
受h37rv感染的鼠源性骨髓巨噬细胞(bmdm)表现出溶酶体渗漏,ctsb释放到细胞质中以及成熟il-1β水平升高。 在感染了ESAT-6表达缺陷的突变型H37Rv的BMDM中,这些反应减弱。
Cathepsin B modulates lysosomal biogenesis and host defense …
We performed genome-wide expression analysis to profile differentially expressed genes in uninfected WT and Ctsb −/− BMDMs to examine whether the increased number of lysosomes in Ctsb −/− BMDMs is caused by enhanced lysosomal biogenesis.
Cathepsin B-Mediated Activation of Trypsinogen in Endocytosing ...
BMDM were co-incubated with freshly prepared acini stimulated with 1 μmol/L CCK. Co-incubation of macrophages with acini led to intracellular localization of trypsinogen and pancreatic amylase in CD68-positive macrophages (A). Further- more, co-localization of trypsinogen and CTSB was observed (A).
抗CSF1R治疗组肿瘤中通过自噬中断和内质网应激介导MDSC死亡的Apoe、组织蛋白酶D(ctsd)和组织蛋白酶B (ctsb)均下调,但是对于MDSC生存至关重要的S100a4显著上调;为了确定这些差异表达基因的功能,接下来作者研究TAM阻断对G-MDSC凋亡的影响。
组织蛋白酶B(cathepsin B,CTSB)是一种特殊类型的多功能组织蛋白酶,近年来多项研究通过体内及体外实验证实其在以GBM为代表的多种癌症侵袭、转移、复发及治疗抵抗过程中发挥重要作用 [8,9] ,已被认为是较好的肿瘤预后标志物及新型治疗靶点 [8,10] 。本文重点 ...