BMP-13 emerges as a potential inhibitor of bone formation
Bone morphogenetic protein-13 (BMP-13) plays an important role in skeletal development. In the light of a recent report that mutations in the BMP-13 gene are associated with spine vertebral fusion in Klippel-Feil syndrome, we hypothesized that BMP-13 signaling is crucial for regulating embryonic end …
骨形态发生蛋白(BMPs)属于TGF-β超家族,你知道吗? - 知乎
BMP3是骨密度的负调节因子,BMP13是骨形成的强抑制剂。 BMP2、4、6、7和9具有强大的骨诱导活性。 例如,BMP2对于软骨内骨形成是必不可少的。 BMPs在骨和软骨的发育、肌腱和韧带生物学、成人骨稳态和骨折愈合、腭裂、进行性骨化纤维发育不良(FOP)、成骨不全OI、骨性关节炎等骨相关病理中发挥作用。 3.2 BMP信号在胚胎发生中的作用. BMPs在胚胎发生过程中是必不可少的,最重要的是中胚层的形成和心脏的发育。
BMP-13 Emerges as a Potential Inhibitor of Bone Formation
2009年2月13日 · Bone morphogenetic protein-13 (BMP-13) plays an important role in skeletal development. In the light of a recent report that mutations in the BMP-13 gene are associated with spine vertebral fusion in Klippel-Feil syndrome, we hypothesized that BMP-13 signaling is crucial for regulating embryonic endochondral ossification.
Unveiling the Bmp13 Enigma: Redundant Morphogen or Crucial …
BMP13 is highly evolutionarily conserved (active domain >95%) across diverse species from Zebrafish to humans, suggesting a crucial function. In addition, mutations in BMP13 have recently been associated with Klippel-Feil Syndrome, causative of numerous skeletal and developmental defects including spinal disc fusion.
In vitro effects of bmp-2, bmp-7, and bmp-13 on proliferation …
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of BMP-2, BMP-7, and BMP-13 on undifferentiated MSCs for cellular damage markers, alkaline phosphatase, and morphological changes at 24, 72, 120, and 168 hours of culture.
基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)种类及功能 - 知乎
MMP-1、MMP-2、MMP-3、MMP-7、MMP-8、MMP-9、MMP-12、MMP-13以及MT1-MMP和MT3-MMP在各种血管组织和细胞中表达。 MMPs通常以非活性的proMMP形式分泌,它被包括其他MMP在内的各种蛋白酶裂解为活性形式。
大鼠肌腱愈合过程中BMP-12、BMP-13和BMP-14基因表达水平的 …
目的 研究大鼠跟腱伤口愈合过程中BMP-12、BMP-13、BMP-14基因表达的变化.方法 选择7周龄SPF级SD雄性大鼠56只为实验组,均使用麻醉机面罩给氧和异氟醚麻醉成功后,将右后爪的跟腱横行切断,使用单股的Prolene线缝合.分别于术后第1、3、5、7、14、21及28 d取8只SD大鼠进行 ...
BMp-13 human recombinant, expressed in E. coli, 95 (SDS-PAGE) …
Expression of BMP-13 has been found in the hypertrophic chondrocytes of ossifying long bone centers. Recombinant human BMP-13/CDMP-2 is a 27 kDa homodimeric disulfide-linked protein consisting of two 120 amino acids polypeptide chains.
Adenovirus mediated BMP-13 gene transfer induces …
BMP-13 supported chondrogenesis but not terminal differentiation, whereas BMP-2 stimulated endochondral ossification. The studies show that BMP-13 may fail to support terminal chondrocyte differentiation.
BMP-13 ヒト recombinant, expressed in E. coli, ≥95% (SDS-PAGE) …
リコンビナントヒトBMP-13/CDMP-2は、120アミノ酸の2本のポリペプチド鎖がジスルフィド結合した27 kDaのホモ二量体タンパク質です。 凍結乾燥品 (ろ過滅菌済み、添加剤不含)。 バイアルは、開封前に遠心してください。 凍結融解の繰り返しは避けてください。 Reconstitute to 0.1-1.0 mg/mL in water containing BSA (50 μg BSA per 1 μg of protein). 適切なバージョンが見つかりませんか。 特定のバージョンが必要な場合は、ロット番号またはバッチ番号で特定の証明 …