实验员小哈&细胞成骨诱导Osteogenesis一些小经验 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年9月10日 · 经典的成骨诱导实验,包含ALP碱性磷酸酶和Alizarin red茜素红染色结果。 ALP染色一般发生在成骨诱导后的5-7天(一般是7天),茜素红染色从10天到20+天(一般是21天) ,都有文章报道。
BMSC-Exosomes attenuate ALP dysfunction by restoring …
This study aimed to clarify whether BMSC-Exos could attenuate ALP dysfunction by restoring lysosomal function after CIRI via inhibiting mTOR and then activating TFEB nucleus translocation.
BMSC-Exosomes attenuate ALP dysfunction by restoring …
2024年6月1日 · BMSC-Exos could improve ALP dysfunction by improving lysosomal dysfunction in vivo. BMSC-Exos could inhibit mTOR and activate TFEB nuclear translocation, which provides a theoretical basis for the clinical application of exosomes.
In vitro induction of alkaline phosphatase levels predicts in vivo …
2014年3月1日 · Our findings show that in BMSCs, the additional increase in ALP levels over basal levels during in vitro osteogenic differentiation is predictive of in vivo performance. Stem cells within the bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) population have the capacity to form bone, cartilage, stroma and fat, and are present at frequency between 0.01% and 0.001%.
PCR测定的成骨分化相关基因(ALP、BSP、OPN等)汇总 (转 …
碱性磷酸酶(alp)活性是最广泛认可的成骨细胞活性标记。 它是成骨细胞表型和成骨细胞分化的典型蛋白质产物。 ALP 由在活性位点含锌的同型二聚金属酶组成,ALP水解多种磷酸盐化合物(例如ATP),将产物(特别是无机磷酸盐)释放到细胞外基质中,影响Pi稳态。
<br>BMSC-外泌体通过 mTOR/TFEB 轴恢复溶酶体功能,从而减轻 ALP …
本研究旨在阐明 bmsc-exos 是否可以通过抑制 mtor 然后激活 tfeb 核易位来恢复 ciri 后溶酶体功能,从而减轻 alp 功能障碍。 本研究通过流式细胞术、纳米粒子追踪分析(NTA)、透射电镜(TEM)、Western blot等方法鉴定本实验使用的BMSCs和BMSC-Exos符合要求。
BMSC-Exosomes attenuate ALP dysfunction by restoring
2024年6月1日 · BMSC-Exos could attenuate ALP dysfunction by restoring lysosomal function after CIRI by inhibiting mTOR and then promoting TFEB nucleus translocation.
间充质干细胞的三系分化及鉴定 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Exp Neurol | 南方医科大学珠江医院:BMSC外泌体恢复溶酶体功能减轻脑缺血再灌注损伤,从而减轻ALP …
2024年3月29日 · 近日,来自 南方医科大学珠江医院的研究人员 报道了骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSC)分泌的外泌体通过mTOR/TFEB通路恢复溶酶体功能进而减轻脑缺血再灌注后ALP功能障碍(机制图见图1)的研究成果。 并以“BMSC-Exosomes attenuate ALP dysfunction by restoring lysosomal function via the mTOR/TFEB Axis to reduce cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury”为题发表在了 Experimental Neurology 上(2024 Feb 23:376:114726.
BMSC-Exosomes attenuate ALP dysfunction by restoring …
This study aimed to clarify whether BMSC-Exos could attenuate ALP dysfunction by restoring lysosomal function after CIRI via inhibiting mTOR and then activating TFEB nucleus translocation. In this study, Flow cytometry, Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), Transmission electron microscope (TEM), and Western blot were used to identify the BMSCs ...