BMPT Terminator - Wikipedia
BMPT ("Terminator 3") – is a new design model of Tank Support Fighting Vehicle based on the Armata Universal Combat Platform with a crew of 3 or 4. Possible armament would be one or two 57 mm autocannons (ammo storage problem), 4x ATGM Sprinter, 2x AGS-40 Balkan automatic grenade launchers, one or two 7.62 mm PKTM machine guns.
巷战利器——BMPT坦克支援车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
BMPT坦克支援车是在T-72/T-90坦克基础上研制的,拥有与基础车辆相同的车体、底架、传动装置、履带等部件,是一款多功能、重装甲、高防护的火力支援车,装备有强大的武器系统和火控系统,能对坦克、步战车、各类轻装甲车辆等进行打击,同时也能威胁直升机与低空低速的固定翼飞机。 在谈到BMPT坦克支援车的战场表现时,俄军专家称:“BMPT在火力和性能方面可与6辆BMP步战车或40名士兵相当。 任何一款武器装备的诞生都有其特定的背景与用途,BMPT坦克支援车 …
BMPT Terminator - Tank Encyclopedia
2016年5月26日 · This anti-tank missile is guided by a semi-automatic laser beam with flexible elevation angles (-10°/+25°). The missile has a flight velocity of 550 m/s with a maximum range of 5800 meters; it is controlled by the VIAM.461112.001 ground control equipment inside the BMPT.
BMPT: The story of Terminator – Battle Machines
2024年4月21日 · It was purpose built to protect tanks from threats close by and at angles that a tank’s heavy main gun cannot engage. While fearsome, their limited numbers have made sightings rare and usage in Ukraine even rarer. Today we will discuss the origins of this vehicle, its limitations and capabilities.
BMPT Terminator: Russia's Supposedly 'Invincible' Armored …
2023年6月20日 · The BMPT Terminator is a Russian armored fighting vehicle (AFV) produced by UralVagonZavod. Its mission is to support main battle tanks (MBTs) and other AFVs in urban combat. Only 23 have been produced, with the Terminator equipped by the Russian military since 2002. The vehicles’ most recent engagement is the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War.
BTMP-84步兵战车 - 百度百科
BTMP-84步兵战车号称世界上威力最大的步兵战车,既可以安全地把步兵送到战场,又能起到主战坦克的作用,堪称一种 新概念武器。 讲到BTMP-84战车,就不能不提 T-84坦克,后者是乌克兰在苏联解体后自主开发出的第一种主战坦克,也是当今世界最先进的主战坦克之一。 乌克兰研制的BTMP-84步兵战车已获得两笔订单,并将很快装备乌陆军。 从外表看,BTMP-84好像是 T-84坦克 的加长版,其车体后部增加了一个能容纳5名步兵的战斗舱。 BTMP-84装甲防护十分强大,几 …
BMPT-72 Terminator 2 - Army Recognition
2024年12月29日 · The BMPT-72, also nicknamed Terminator 2, is a tank fire support vehicle developed and designed by the Russian company Uralvagonzavod. It was unveiled in 2013 during the Russian Arms Expo defense exhibition that was held in Nizhny Tagil, Russia.
Russia's BMPT-72 Terminator 'Tank' Is Getting Smashed in
2024年11月26日 · The Russian BMPT-72 "Terminator," a heavily armed fire support vehicle, was designed to assist tanks and APCs in combat. Built on T-72 and T-90 tank chassis, the Terminator boasts formidable firepower, including twin 30mm autocannons, guided missiles, and …
BMPT Tank Support Combat Vehicle - Army Technology
2011年4月6日 · The armoured vehicle increases the efficiency of a tank in urban warfare, peace-keeping and counter-terrorist operations. It allows the tank to advance by destroying antitank targets such as manpower, and lightly and heavily armoured ground targets, such as tanks, as well as aerial targets.
BMPT Tank Support Combat Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
The BMPT tank support combat vehicle combines powerful weapons with heavy armour protection which facilitate armour support operations, in particular by defeating tank-dangerous targets of an ...