The German Red Cross (GRC) commissioned a strategic evaluation of the implementation of BMZ ́s Social Structure Funding (SSF) programs. SSF activities are typically composed of three consecutive three-year funding cycles.
DVV International: Detail
Within the framework of the so-called "Social Structure Funding (SSF)", the ministry supports civil society organisations that provide basic social security services in Germany, for example in health care, care for the elderly, disaster prevention, in the field of cooperatives or, as in the case of DVV, in youth and adult education.
1st phase of URCS/GRC BMZ SSF project (2018-20) “Increasing the importance and capacity of the Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) as a national aid organisation supporting the refugee response in Northern Uganda.” REPORT Ground Floor, Postel Building Clement Hill Road P.O. Box 10207, Kampala Contact Person Swizen Kyomuhendo, PhD. Senior Consultant
Mid- Term Evaluation of the BMZ-SSF Project - bodmando.org
To assess the project’s progress and relevance, AWO International contracted Bodmando Consulting Group to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the BMZ-SSF Project. The objectives of the evaluation were to: Evaluate the project’s performance against the desired results as articulated in the project’s logical frameworks.
Évaluation du projet « Promotion des Structures Sociales » au Togo
Financé par le BMZ et mis en œuvre par quatre organisations de la société civile togolaise, ce projet a pour objectif d’améliorer les conditions de vie des populations locales en renforçant les structures sociales.
from BMZ channeled through the German NGO Don Bosco Mondo, the SSF-Project phase 1 was designed and implemented. The ultimate objective of the project was to establish and strengthen DBTA management and coordination structures both at Headquarters in Nairobi as well
BMZ / Referat 122 - doczz.net
das Instrument der Sozialstrukturförderung (SSF). Ziele der weltweit durchgeführten Projekte der SSF sind: • Beiträge zur globalen Strukturpolitik und zur Zukunftssicherung. SSF ist grundsätzlich armutsorientiert. Damit leistet SSF in den Projektländern auf allen.
Among the assignments were evaluations of BMZ projects using a theory of change approach (DAC criteria for evaluation, EU log frame and GIZ capacity works). Methods of evaluation included literature reviews, personal and telephone interviews, e-mail
Das BMZ hat das Instrument der Sozialsffilkturförderung (SSF) geschaffen und zur Durch- fiihrung nichtstaatliche Fachorganisationen ausgewählt, die heute erfolgreich in der Ar- beitsgemeinschaft Sozialstruktur (AGS) kooperieren. 1m vielfáltigen Spektrum der entwick-
Phase 1 of CRT/GRC BMZ SSF project (2019-21) “Contribution to the reduction of the negative effects of climate change and to the improvement of resource stewardship in Togo and neighbouring countries” Main partners: Donors: Togolese Red Cross (CRT) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
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