LOCATIONS - BMZ GROUP -Batteriehersteller und Batteriesysteme
As an international company, BMZ has production facilities in Germany, the USA, Poland and China. Independent sales offices in France, UK and Japan serve as contact point for local customers. Not only does BMZ have a leading position in Europe, it is also an important player on the world market in the dynamically growing market for lithium-ion ...
HOME - BMZ GROUP -Batteriehersteller und Batteriesysteme
The BMZ Group has over 30 years of expertise in the electronics and battery industries and offers a unique one-stop-shop offering that covers all components of the value chain from a battery to after-sales.
China | BMZ - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and …
In 2010, the BMZ de facto stopped treating China as a developing country. It has been calling on China to take on responsibility within the international system and to make contributions towards resolving global challenges.
Bmz China Company Co., Ltd
As a company operating on an international scale, with offices and production facilities in Germany, Poland, China and the United States, BMZ is one of the leading system suppliers of rechargeable battery packs and chargers.
比瑞科技(深圳)有限公司 - 国际能源网
BMZ集团是全球锂电池的系统供应商,1994年成立于德国巴伐利亚州。 分公司比瑞科技(深圳)有限公司成立于2006年。 BMZ总部位于德国,并且在中国,波兰,美国有工厂,在日本和法国也有联络处。 此外,我们在世界范围内有自己的研发基地。 BMZ拥有超过20多年的经验,积累拥 有2000多个客户,并实现了每年开启250个新项目的目标,在全球范围内共有2300名员工。 BMZ主要从事电动车电池,电工工具电池、吸尘器电池、军事设备电池,应急照明电池、报警 …
BMZ China - LinkedIn
The BMZ Group is a global player in the production of lithium-ion battery system solutions. The group is headquartered in Germany and has further production facilities in China, Poland and the...
公司简介_德国BMZ集团 - chinaagv.com
bmz集团是跨行业锂离子电池系统整个产品生命周期的领导者。 该集团总部位于德国美因河畔法兰克福卡尔施泰因,在中国、波兰和美国设有制造工厂,并在日本、英国和...
ABOUT - BMZ GROUP -Batteriehersteller und Batteriesysteme
BMZ Group is a leader in the entire product life cycle of lithium-ion battery systems used across industries. The group is headquartered in Karlstein, Frankfurt am Main region in Germany and has further production facilities in China, Poland and the USA as well as branches in Japan, UK and France with >2,300 highly qualified employees on more ...
-深圳比瑞科技有限公司-首页 - qqdcw.cn
比瑞科技(深圳)有限公司成立于2005年,是德国品牌BMZ在中国的公司,德国BMZ成立于1994年,有18年电池及充电器生产经营历史,产品品质深受欧美国家欢迎,是专业从事电池组的设计、生产、销售的公司,拥有自己的电子设计团队和结构设计团队,设备齐全,严格按照ISO9001国际质量管理体系实施质量管理,实现“中国制造、欧洲品质”的承诺。 公司拥有一批经验丰富的设计、品质和生产团队。 设计和生产的产品包括:电工工具电池、吸尘器电池、军事 …
BMZ China - 猎聘
比瑞科技(深圳)有限公司(BMZ China)成立于2006年,是BMZ 集团在中国设立的全资子公司,沿承德国BMZ 15年以来的电池制造经验、设计思想和品质理念,实现“中国制造、德国品质”的承诺。
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