Feminist development policy for sustainable development | BMZ
2023年3月1日 · Women make up 70 per cent of all healthcare staff worldwide. Their expertise was indispensable for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic. When women are actively involved in peace processes, the probability that a peace agreement will last at least two years rises by 20 per cent. It is also more likely that agreements are implemented.
Development Minister Schulze presents feminist strategy | BMZ
Development Minister Svenja Schulze has presented her strategy for a feminist development policy. It is aimed at guaranteeing women the same rights and access to resources as men and working to ensure that women are equally represented and involved in political and economic decision-making processes
#WeTheWomen | BMZ
#WeTheWomen seeks to strengthen the rights, resources and representation of women in Germany and worldwide. Join us and help promote gender equality! So far no country in the world (including Germany) has achieved full equality of men …
BMZ Gender Action Plan: Implementing feminist development …
Back in March last year, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) published its new strategy for a Feminist Development Policy (FEP). The aim of the FEP is to dismantle discriminatory structures - for women and girls as well as other marginalised groups.
Feminist Development Policy | Bundesregierung - Publikationsportal
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is striving for just and strong societies worldwide. Our feminist development policy aims to eliminate discriminatory structures – for women and girls, and also for marginalised groups. Its focus is on gender equality.
New BMZ Strategy on Feminist Development Policy
The new orientation of the BMZ's feminist development policy aims to reduce gender-based injustices and discrimination by focusing on the "3 Rs" - rights, resources and representation. Rights of women and marginalised groups are to be strengthened, their access to resources improved and their representation strengthened as the key to equal ...
Towards a feminist digital development cooperation - BMZ …
2023年2月14日 · In proclaiming a feminist development policy, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has set itself the goal of addressing the roots of injustice and working more intensively for a (gender-) just society.
Feminist Development and the BMZ's Gender Action Plan
On 1 March, the BMZ announced its new strategy for a feminist development policy (FEP). The aim of the new FEP is to dismantle discriminatory structures – for women and girls, as well as other marginalised groups. The focus is on gender equality.
#WeTheWomen - BMZ
Beim Tag der offenen Tür des BMZ in Bonn am 25. Mai 2024 hat Bundesministerin Svenja Schulze den zahlreichen Gäst*innen die # WeTheWomen -Kampagne vorgestellt. Gemeinsam mit der kolumbianischen Botschafterin Yadir Salazar Mejia hat sie auf der Bühne über eigene Erfahrungen und Vorbilder sowie die Potenziale von gleichberechtigen ...
Digitalisation is opening up new paths for women and girls | BMZ ...
At the RMMV Conference of KfW and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in February 2023, digital solutions were presented that make it easier for women and girls to participate in shaping their lives and their environment.