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Part Number : BN74 e-POWER Belt, Wrapped Notch B Type
Please check the type/dimensions/specifications of the part BN74 in the e-POWER Belt, Wrapped Notch B Type series.
曾经的王者:宝马N74TU V12发动机 - 懂车帝
2020年12月22日 · 宝马的V12发动机在业界一直享有盛誉,最新的宝马V12双涡轮增压发动机代号为N74,这也许是最后一款宝马V12发动机。 N74发动机2008年发布,用于替代之前的N73 V12发动机。 N74双涡轮增压V12发动机曾经代表了宝马发动机性能的顶峰。
BN74 | E-Power Belts - Wrapped Notch B-Type - MISUMI
Shop E-Power Belts - Wrapped Notch B-Type from Mitsuboshi Belting (BN74). MISUMI USA has all of your V-Belts needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
E-Power Belts - Wrapped Notch B-Type | Mitsuboshi Belting
Shop E-Power Belts - Wrapped Notch B-Type from Mitsuboshi Belting. MISUMI USA has all of your V-Belts needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
e-POWER Belt, Wrapped Notch B Type (BN74) - MISUMI
Excellent bend tolerance. Less power loss due to bending compared to conventional standard V-belts results in energy-saving effect. Please check the type/dimensions/specifications of the part BN74 in the e-POWER Belt, Wrapped Notch B Type series. The specifications and dimensions of some parts may not be fully covered.
弯管流量计说明书..doc 17页 - 原创力文档
1、概述 ZWL型 (原ZLRJ型)理智系列智能弯管流量计是以李志教授为学术带头人的河北理工大学课题组经过十几年的潜心研究而推出的弯管式流量测量仪表。 一九九二年通过了河北省技术监督局新产品鉴定,同年获国家制造计量器具许可证,并颁发CMC证书,登记号为92量制冀;一九九四年通过了国家定型鉴定,获得了“中华人民共和国计量器具型式批准证书” (允许使用CPA标志,编号为:94F101-13) ;2001年列为重点国家级火炬计划项目(编号Z2001007)。
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BN74 Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Search Partnumber : Included a word "BN74"-Total : 2 ( 1/1 Page) Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: SIPAT Co,Ltd: LBN74001 180Kb / 3P: 740MHz SAW Filter 80MHz Bandwidth LBN74001 180Kb / 3P: 740MHz SAW Filter 80MHz Bandwidth Search Partnumber : Start with "BN74"-Total : 4 ( 1/1 Page)
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