BNJ42/51 - シチズンマシナリー株式会社
左右同時加工による高能率加工に加え、重畳加工も実現。 加工時間を大幅に短縮しました。 さらにSYタイプは複合加工も可能です。 12st. 8st. Miyano製品(主軸台固定形・チャッカー …
Miyano BNJ-42S For Sale - CNC Machines
The Miyano BNJ-42S enhances machining processes through simultaneous operations, ensuring quality and speed. With reduced cycle times, it meets varied demands in industry settings. Its …
Machine's specifications - Miyano BNJ 42S Used machines - Exapro
CNC MIYANO BNJ 42SY automatic lathe, 6 axes, 2-spindles, 2-heads Year of production: 2005 Country of Origin: Japan Number of axles: 6 Number of spindles: 2 Number of heads: 2 Main …
The BNJ offers tooling variety and options using proven tool holders developed for the BND Series, along with the latest NC functions to optimize machining efficiency.
BNJ-42/51SY6 - Citizen Machinery
Featuring 2 spindles and 2 turrets, the main turret with Y axis function the BNJ-42SY6 / 51SY6 allows simultaneous and complex machining. Processing overlap control with main spindle …
BNJ42/51 : CITIZEN MACHINERY CO., LTD. 12st. 8st. Feel free to get in touch with us by phone or online if you have any questions or need advice about any of our products or services. It is …
Used Bnj 42S for sale. Miyano equipment & more | Machinio
This 4-axis MIYANO BNJ 42S lathe was manufactured in 2004, featuring dual turrets and a Fanuc 18iT control for precision turning operations. It has a bar passage capacity of 42 mm and …
MIYANO BNJ-42S CNC Lathes - MachineTools.com
Looking for a USED BNJ-42S? Have one to sell?
BNJ-42S6 - 設備紹介 | 株式会社長田製作所
bnj-42s6; 主軸台固定形cnc自動旋盤; 独自形状のバックワーキングタレットでアイドルタイムを大幅削減。左右同時加工、重畳加工、クランク等の複合加工や大径ネジの凹凸部分の加工も …
H018297 NC自動盤 ミヤノ BNJ-42S - 株式会社 小林機械
h018297 NC自動盤 ミヤノ bnj-42s fanuc18i-tb メイン:サブ共にコレットチャック(メイン:ハーデンジs20 サブ:ハーデンジs16) メイン:12 …