Argus - Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
The Argus is a lever-action shotgun featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Call of Duty: Mobile. " Lever-action shotgun. Reliable with a small hip-fire spread, and deadly accurate while ADS. The Argus is unlocked at rank 37.
Argus(黑色行动3) - 使命召唤 中文维基 | 決勝時刻 | Call of Duty …
本作中的霰弹枪采用了独特的伤害机制,命中敌人后会输出一个基础伤害,然后再根据命中的弹丸数得到附加伤害。 Argus不同于其他霰弹枪,其弹丸伤害较高,但是有一定的衰减区域划分。 基础伤害稳定50不变。 Argus的弹丸伤害会由11衰减至7点,衰减分化点约9米。 分化出来的区别就是,在11伤害时,Argus命中5个弹丸即可一枪毙命,而7伤害时,Argus需要命中所有弹丸才可以一枪毙命。 Argus的极限射程也比其他霰弹枪要远一些。 理论上,Argus在其射程范围内,都是有 …
Argus - Call of Duty: Black Ops III Guide - IGN
The Argus is a lever-action shotgun in Black Ops III. It has a slow rate of fire similar to the pump-action KRM-262. the Argus makes up for the fire rate with high damage. A red dot sight that...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - Argus
Lever-action shotgun with small spread. Extremely accurate while ADS. Unlocked at Rank 37. Precision red dot sight. Biometric Object Analyser. Emitted Light Optic. Aim down the sight faster. No radar signature when firing. Move faster while aiming down the sight. Increased hip fire accuracy. Reload faster. More ammo in each magazine.
Black Ops 3 In Depth: Argus Slug Shotgun Review - YouTube
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 reimagined BO2's slug firing KSG shotgun into the brand new Argus. The Argus is by far the most unique shotgun in the group and possibly the most unique shotgun in CoD...
Tips/recommends for an Argus class? : r/blackops3 - Reddit
I've recently started playing BO3 again after a pretty lengthy hiatus. One of my favourite weapons to use in the past was the Argus as, when it worked, it was fun & satisfying to use. Ever since I've come back though it just seems really inconsistent in hitting those crispy one-hit kills - has it been nerfed whilst I've been away?
Call of duty bo3 (the giant) argus pack of punched - YouTube
The argus weapon pack a punched to become the ancient messenger. You must activate the power and 3 teleporters. The giant zombie map comes free with the seas...
Is the Argus worth it? : r/blackops3 - Reddit
2019年2月8日 · The Argus' base damage stands at 50 for its entire range, which is 17.78m. This means that the Argus is a guaranteed 2 shot kill regardless of range because 2x50 = 100, and you only have 100 health under normal circumstances. The Argus' pellet damage is 11 up to 8.89m, and from 8.89m to 17.78 the pellet damage is 7.
CoD:BO3 武器評価Argus編おすすめアタッチメント
2015年12月26日 · Call of Duty:Black Ops3(コールオブデューティー:ブラックオプス3)に登場するSGのArgusについての詳細ページです。 ADS時は驚異的な集弾率を誇る。 実質的にスラグ弾といっていい。 ボディ. アイアンサイト. レバーアクション式の単発ショットガン。 一見するとリボルバー銃のような外観をしており、リロードモーションも一風変わっている。 ワンショットキルが取れるSGで、 腰だめとADS(覗き込み)とで違う性能を持つ。 腰だめ時は、 …
What are the best attachments for the Argus? : r/blackops3 - Reddit
ADSing is key with the Argus, so quickdraw is a must. Stock helps your maneuverability and allows you to strafe a little to snap on target. If ADSing isn't your strong suit, you may use Laser Sight, as it tightens he spread enough to boost one-hit frequency.