Marshal 16 - Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
The Marshal 16 is a single-shot double-barreled pistol in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, added with the February 8th, 2016 update. It also makes a brief appearance in Call of Duty: Black Ops …
大威力的狙击步枪,膝盖以上一枪死,原生瞄具比locus好一些,虽然射速较低但是还是极为好用的。 顺便我喜欢它的枪声。 你确定kn44机瞄不错? bo3武器总结..冲锋枪kuda中规中矩 瞄具不 …
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - Assault Rifles
Semi-auto marksman assault rifle. Delivers high damage that can take out enemies in two shots. Four-round burst. Minimal recoil and high fire rate. SHARE THIS INTEL!
Upgraded Weapons/Black Ops III | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
Some Pack-a-Punched weapons start with slightly less reserve ammo than the max amount of their upgrade: Bloodhound (48+8/8), Marshal 16 Dual Wield (208+6/6), NX ShadowClaw Dual …
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - Weapons List | Stats
Black Ops 3 has a host of weapons, ranging from general purpose assault rifles to powerful bolt-action sniper rifles, which can be customized and fitted with up to four attachments. Like its …
The M16: A Thorough Review : r/blackops3 - Reddit
2017年2月15日 · The BO3 M16 fires much faster than its BO1 counterpart, if I were to speculate I’d say at least twice as fast. The time between bursts is moderate however the rate of the …
即将回归的经典:M16步枪 --- BO3 M16核弹 - 哔哩哔哩
bo4 m16复刻在即,先用bo3的solo老素材发一期预热预热,期望这把枪能在bo4也占有一席之地。
Call of Duty: Black Ops III | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
Call of Duty: Black Ops III is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows and Beenox and Mercenary Technology for Xbox 360 and …
How do I get the M16? : r/blackops3 - Reddit
They can only be randomly obtained through the supply drops. Unfortunately the only way to have obtained most of the weapons is through sheer time spent earning cryptokeys, cod points …
XR-2 and M8A7 best class set up advice - GameFAQs
XR-2 is best run with Primary Gunfighter 1, any sight that isn't a Thermal or ACOG Sight (Varix/Recon), Quickdraw, Stock, and Long Barrel. For the M8A7 you only need a non-ACOG …