Plant | Breath of Fire Wiki | Fandom
Plant is a location that appears in Breath of Fire III. It is a scientific facility that ostensibly exists to research and create artificially enhanced crops. It was the branchild of Repsol, who died before the facility completed construction. The scientist Palet oversaw the Plant's completion...
Breath of Fire III Walkthrough, Part 27: The Plant - ArrPeeGeeZ
Ryu's old band is back together, and with Rei thrown into the mix - still no sign of Teepo, alas - the group is headed to the Plant, the chrysm-based farm that keeps churning out mutants. Director Palet is nowhere to be found, and Momo is convinced that he's the key to fixing all the problems.
Breath of Fire III – Guide and Walkthrough - GameFAQs
2011年11月21日 · ===== MY TECHNIQUE: Okay, before we go back to the plant to to the big tree south-east of the plant and make sure you take Peco with you. Peco can speak to the big tree (whose name is...
Breath of Fire III/Myria Station - StrategyWiki
2021年4月15日 · When you are ready, go back to the main room of the Myria Station and go through the door at the end of the green path. Go up the escalator and enter a healing room similar to the one you went through previously. In the next room, equip Momo with the HE Shells and use her bazooka to destroy the plant blocking the door. Go in.
How do I get the 4th password in the plant - GameFAQs
2016年2月9日 · Its in the book you find after fighting the slug guy. You don't need it anyway since unlike the other passwords the last one you can actually just blindly guess at it until you get it right even if...
Breath of Fire III Walkthrough, Part 28: Castle Wyndia and
Part 27: The Plant. Main Walkthrough. Palet is gone, and the mystery of the Plant's mutant problems has been resolved. Nina believes this is enough to earn Ryu and company another passport to the eastern lands... though when you enter Wyndia, Nina will tell Ryu to stay put. He's still considered a kidnapper.
Palet | Breath of Fire Wiki | Fandom
Palet is a non-playable character who appears in Breath of Fire III. He is the director of the Plant. Palet is first encountered when Ryu, Nina and Momo stop at the Coffee Shop once they escape from Balio and Sunder's men at the Tower. He recognizes …
Breath of Fire III Walkthrough, Part 14: Coffee Shop and Plant
Whether or not you manage to impress D'Lonzo, it's time to leave the Coffee Shop. Your next destination is the Plant, located to the west on the world map, though there are a number of things to check before you head there. East of the Plant is a conspicuous tree in the middle of a forest.
Breath of Fire III – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)
2024年3月20日 · Where to find: Large tree east of Plant. Requirements: Talk to the tree with Peco in front and give her a Wisdom Fruit. Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr – 2 Def + 1 Int + 2 HP – 1 AP + 1 Becomes weak to fire Skills: Sanctuary (2 levels) Recall (5 levels) Shield (8 levels) Recommended for: Nina and Momo. HACHIO. Where to find: Wyndia Castle Kitchen.
Breath of Fire 3 Playthrough 8/16: Side Quests, Plant - YouTube
2019年4月21日 · 1:25:48 Boss: Slug1:36:12 Boss: Shroom