Drive alignment, onboard new members faster, and empower your team by providing them with everything they need to succeed.
Boarda | Explore the nearby virtual boards!
Boarda is a technology that sniffs around for nearby interactive virtual boards and displays them on your smartphone, AR Glasses, and even inside car-hailing vehicles!
About | Boarda | Company
What is Boarda? Boards is the flagship product of Noticey, Inc, a US-based software company that builds the backbone of smart cities, places, and objects. Boarda overlays our physical world with virtual interactive boards, by attaching virtual boards to places and objects.
Board | The Enterprise Planning Platform
Board is built to handle the heavy lifting—so your people can focus on making smarter decisions. With connectors for major data source, secure, governed global cloud infrastructure, and code-free, development, more industry leaders are making the move to the Board Enterprise Planning Platform every day.
Borda count - Wikipedia
The Borda method or order of merit is a positional voting rule that gives each candidate a number of points equal to the number of candidates ranked below them: the lowest-ranked candidate gets 0 points, the second-lowest gets 1 point, and so on. The candidate with the most points wins.
Boarda Player | Get your virtual board all over the town
Boarda Player | Get your virtual board all over the town
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Amazon.com: Boarda-Lighting 5mm COB LED Strip,12V …
2024年7月10日 · 【Safe Use & Easy Installation】Boarda COB LED strip works at DC 12V low voltage, without any hazard to humans. With strong adhesive tape on the back of the LED strip, makes it very easy to install the LED tape on any smooth clean surface.
Home | Boarda | Developers
Welcome to Boarda for Developers! Here you'll find all the documentation you need to get up and running with the Boarda API. Want to jump right in? Feeling like an eager beaver? Jump in to the quick start docs and get making your first request: Want to deep dive?
Borda count - 百度百科
波达计数法(Borda Count)是一种排序投票法。 每个选民在选票上对所有候选人进行排序,每个候选人按照不同的排序名次获得相应的波达数或积分,积分最高的候选人赢得选举。 同简单多数规则相比,波达计数法较不容易选出有争议的人士,但投票结果较容易受策略选举的影响。 历史上有许多人曾提出使用波达计数法。 它曾是罗马议会采用的投票制度之一。 13世纪 的 雷蒙·卢尔 和 15世纪 的库萨的尼可拉都曾提出这个制度,但在 1770年 让-查理斯·波达(Jean-Charles de …