Boeing 777X - Wikipedia
The Boeing 777X is the latest series of the long-range, wide-body, twin-engine jetliners in the Boeing 777 family from Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The changes for 777X include General Electric GE9X engines, composite wings with folding wingtips, greater cabin width and seating capacity, and technologies from the Boeing 787.
777X - The Boeing Company
The new Boeing 777X will be the world’s largest and most efficient twin-engine jet, unmatched in every aspect of performance. With new breakthroughs in aerodynamics and engines, the 777X will deliver 10 percent lower fuel use and emissions …
777X By Design - The Boeing Company
Latest flight deck technology & commonality with the 777 + 787. Innovative – first in commercial aviation; Easy – familiar, simple touch screens; Interactive – multiple touch points; Efficient – removes airplane parts; Common – operationally, with today's 777
波音777X - 百度百科
777-8x可搭载350名乘客,尺寸与当前的777-300er接近,航程可达9400海里。 通用电气总裁兼首席执行官大卫-乔伊斯证实,这两款客机将配备推力达105,000磅的GE9X发动机。
波音777X - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
波音777X 系列是 波音777 家族當中正在研發的最新機種。 777X將有777-8、777-9以及777-8F貨機三個衍生型號。 波音公司 宣稱,這款飛機將會是全球最大及最有效率的雙 發動機 客機 [2]。 777X將採用 波音787 的設計理念,並使用新的發動機(奇異GE9X)丶全新的 複合材料 機翼及 可折疊機翼。 此款客機的主要競爭對手是 空中巴士A350 XWB,其中777-9X原型機已在2018年11月完成所有製造程式,並已於2019年3月 下線,原訂在2019年3月13日進行下線儀式及對外開放 …
BBJ 777X Family - Boeing Business Jets
Experience what it is like to enjoy your travel time. With a BBJ 777X, you have the freedom to configure the cabin to fulfill your specific needs. Widest, tallest cabins in its class. Allows for completely private rooms while maintaining accessibility to the rest of the cabin.
Why The Boeing 777X Will Evolve Long-Haul Flying - Simple Flying
2025年3月17日 · Boeing consulted eight major airlines to help design a new wide-body program, and subsequently, the 777 was born.The Triple Seven program was launched in October 1990. United Airlines was the first customer to order the innovative new jet.. In June 1995, the 777 was officially cleared for take-off, and its maiden revenue voyage was, of course, for United from London Heathrow Airport (LHR) to ...
Boeing 777-9X Specs, Interior, Cockpit and Price
2020年3月5日 · The overall dimensions of the Boeing 777-9X cover a length of 76.72 m, a wingspan of 71.75 m, and a height of 19.7 m. The Boeing 777-9X is powered by two GE9X turbofan engines supplied by GE Aviation. Each engine will produce 99,500 lb of thrust. The aircraft can fly with a maximum speed of 850 km / h with a range of up to 7,285 nmi (13,500 km).
波音:777X - Boeing.cn
全新波音777X 将是世界上最大、效率最高的双发飞机,各方面的性能都无与伦比。 凭借空气动力技术和发动机技术的新突破,777X 的油耗、排放以及运营成本都将比竞争机型降低10%。 777X 家族将为航司提供低风险的盈利增长机会以及业界领先的可靠性。 与777和787梦想飞机家族无缝融合,因此具有高度的灵活性。 然而,777X不只具有优异的性能,它还拥有宽敞的客舱、全新的定制化架构和来源于787梦想飞机的创新技术。 777X 带给乘客的将是自未来的飞行体验。 …
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BBJ 777X - boeing.cn
BBJ 777X 将777的功能和机舱空间与787的技术进步相结合,创造出无与伦比的飞机. 凭借有史以来最大的复合机翼和最新的发动机技术,777X可以连接地球上的任何两个城市,为乘客提供极致的舒适性和性能. 777X 的客舱可与上一代四发飞机相媲美,但采用现代高效的双引擎平台. 享受多个私人睡眠区、专用生活空 间、办公室等等. 乘客可以在不打扰其他旅行者的情况下工作、休息和用餐. 的宽度可构建宽敞的起居区和顶部机组休息区,BBJ 777X 提供比任何竞争对手更多的定制选项. 20 …