Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Wikipedia
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is an American wide-body airliner developed and manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. After dropping its unconventional Sonic Cruiser project, Boeing announced the conventional 7E7 on January 29, 2003, which focused largely on efficiency.
Seat Map - Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner - United Airlines
View seat map for Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner and learn about interior specifications such as size, entertainment, cabin availability, and more.
BOEING 787-10 Dreamliner - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
2 x R-R Trent 1000 (340 kN) turbofans. In development, early production aircraft manufactured by Boeing. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a long range, mid-sized, wide-body, twin-engine jet airliner. The B78X is a member of the B787 series of aircraft.
波音:787-10 - Boeing.cn
787梦想飞机无可比拟的低油耗和灵活的航程能力可以帮助航空公司实现机队和网络的最优化,同时开启新的直飞航线——截至目前为止超过100条——满足乘客对直飞航班的要求。 787梦想飞机能够确保机场边界处的噪音水平不超过85分贝,仅仅稍高于繁华街道交叉路口的噪音水平。 实际上,787梦想飞机的噪音足迹要比其所替代的机型降低超过百分之六十。 英国民用航空管理局(CAA)所出具的一份报告显示,波音787梦想飞机同其所替代的机型相比,噪音要低得多, …
波音787 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波音787梦想客机(英語: Boeing 787 Dreamliner ,港澳台称为波音787夢幻客機) [1] ,是波音公司生产的廣體客機,由波音民用飛機集團負責開發,於2011年投入服務。787在典型3級艙等配置下可載242至395人。
使用 Boeing 787-10 (B78X) 喷气式飞机的航空公司 - SeatMaps
787-10 是一种高效的双引擎宽体客机,是业内单位乘客和飞行距离耗油率最低的客机之一。 对于乘客来说,客舱具有大窗户、舒适的湿度和更好的增压效果。 这里是所有运营Boeing 787-10的航空公司的名单。 拥有 Boeing 787-10 (B78X) 飞机的航空公司最新名单。 SeatMaps 上各种机舱布 …
787-10 Dreamliner Completes Successful First Flight - The Boeing …
2 天之前 · As a stretch of the 787-9, the 787-10 leverages the family’s proven technology, long range and preferred passenger experience, with unprecedented efficiency: 10 percent better fuel and emissions than the best on offer by the competition and 25 percent better than the airplanes it will replace. Download 787-10 Wallpaper.
Airborne BOEING 787-10 Dreamliner (twin-jet) (B78X) Aircraft
BOEING 787-10 Dreamliner (twin-jet) (B78X) aircraft type complete tracking. Explore live maps, departures, arrivals and more with FlightAware.
Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History
Singapore Airlines - Boeing 787-10 regional economy cabin. Want More of This? We'll send you our latest and best content straight to your inbox. We never share your information with third …
What Are The Differences Between The Boeing 787-8, 787-9
2024年5月25日 · Boeing 787-8, -9, and -10 differ in length, passenger capacity, and range capabilities. The 787-9 has been the standout success in sales amongst the Dreamliner variants. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner needs no introduction. Its composite design and super-flexed wings make it one of the most modern jets on the market.