Boggo Road Gaol - Wikipedia
H.M. Prison Brisbane, commonly known as Boggo Road Gaol, was Queensland's main prison from the 1880s to the 1980s. By the time it closed, it had become notorious for poor conditions and rioting.
History - Boggo Road Gaol - Jail
Named after the road which led to it, that became a boggy quagmire after rain, “Boggo Road Gaol” was officially known as the Brisbane Prison. For 109 years it dominated the skyline of the capital of Queensland. It’s stark red brick walls, and imposing guard tower on Annerley Road have become iconic for all the wrong reasons.
2022年5月25日 · In the inner suburbs of Brisbane stands a red-brick heritage prison called Boggo Road. You can explore its incredible story rig... Queensland was - believe it or not - the first part of the British Empire to abolish capital punishment. That happened back in 1922, before...
Boggo Road Now - boggo arts & heritage alliance
Brisbane’s Boggo Road heritage prison opened in the 1880s and closed in the 1990s. During that time it developed a reputation as one of the more notorious prisons in Australia and there are many stories to be told about it.
THE END OF “THE ROAD”: Boggo Road Gaol (1989)
2014年9月24日 · Boggo Road Gaol was a national embarrassment with rolling riots, hunger-strikes, bashings, allegations of corruption, and roof-top protests by inmates. The Kennedy Report, delivered in 1988, recommended extensive and sweeping reforms – a complete cultural change – away from punishment and retribution – to correction and rehabilitation.
HM Prison, Brisbane (Boggo Road) - FromThePage
This Brisbane prison became known as Boggo Road Gaol. Queensland prisons kept records of prisoners' admissions, criminal history and physical descriptions, either separately or combined in the same register.
Boggo Road Gaol (Jail) - Tripadvisor
Located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Boggo Road was one of the most notorious prisons of the Twentieth century. The former prison has reopened as a cultural-heritage tourist attraction which offer tours and events.
Archived Prison Records - Boggo Road Gaol
2015年11月17日 · The following records can be accessed at archives and libraries around Brisbane or - in a few cases - online. This page remains a work in progress. A gateway to archived prison records for Queensland.
History Vault - Boggo Road Gaol
The Boggo Road History Vault is the #1 online gateway for exploring the nooks and crannies of some very fascinating Australian prison history. Scroll down to view the various categories and unlock access to over 200 pages of history, featuring hundreds of images and thousands of links to further information, including newspaper articles ...
Discover BAHA and their vision for the future of Boggo Road
The Boggo Arts & Heritage Alliance (BAHA) is a community of people and organisations with the shared aim of seeing Boggo Road reopen under a professional community-focussed management model that transforms the old prison into an innovative and dynamic centre of creative events, Public History, education and community.