BOI-ITC – A subsidiary of Bank Of Industy of Nigeria
At BOI Investment and Trust Company Limited (BOI-ITC), we specialize in providing comprehensive trust and investment solutions that empower businesses across Nigeria. We are committed to delivering tailored financial services that adapt to the evolving needs of our clients.
About Us – BOI-ITC
BOI Investment and Trust Company Limited (BOI-ITC) was incorporated on February 16, 1987, as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Nigerian Industrial Development Bank Limited (NIDB) now Bank of Industry Limited (BOI). BOI-ITC is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a Capital Market Operator to function as Trustees.
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International Trading Center (ITC) A company incorporated under Thai laws that purchases and sells goods, raw materials and parts or that provides international trading related to juristic persons incorporated under foreign laws
Our Subsidiaries – Bank of Industry
(BOI-ITC) is one of the foremost Trust Companies in the country. It was established in 1987 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Nigerian Industrial Development Bank Limited (NIDB) now Bank of Industry Limited (BOI).
Financial Advisory – BOI-ITC
We optimize the balance between debt and equity financing to align with your company’s goals and minimize capital costs. We assess financial health and operational efficiency through detailed analysis of key metrics and cash flow projections. We evaluate creditworthiness and potential risks to inform decisions that mitigate financial exposure.
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หมายเหตุ1) ก ิจการ ITC ครอบคลุมขอบข่ิ า ยกจการศู์ั น ยจดหาจด ัื้ิ้่ ซ อชนส วนและผลิั์ ต ภณฑระ หว่างป ระเทศ(International Procurement Office: IPO) เดิม
ITC : PERSONAL INCOME TAX FOR EXPATRIATES on gross income and all benefits derived from employment
タイ 投資奨励制度まとめ 最新版 BOI - THAIBIZ
2017年3月29日 · ITCで得られるBOI恩典には、機械の輸入税免除と輸出向け製品用の原材料・部品の輸入税免除の税的恩典のほか、外国人の100%の株式保有許可と外国人の土地所有許可、被奨励事業に従事する外国人技術者・専門家の就労許可の非税的恩典がある。
タイ投資委員会(BOI)が国際貿易センター(ITC)の投資奨励中止 …
ITCを廃止し、ITCと国際地域統括本部(IHQ)を合体させた国際ビジネスセンター(IBC)を投資奨励の対象とする。 IBCを設立して商社業務を行う場合、かつてのIHQ業務の一部も兼務して行う必要がある。
Bank of Industry - Wikipedia
Bank of Industry Limited (abbreviated as ' BOI') is Nigeria's oldest and largest Development Finance Institution (DFI) currently operating. It is owned by the Ministry of Finance Incorporated (MOFI) Nigeria (94.80%), the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) …