黑莓 8900 - 百度百科
在先前的三款机型——BlackBerry Bold 9000、BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220、BlackBerry Storm 9500/9530之后,我们终于迎来了四款新机的最后一位小兄弟,也是Curve系列的唯一一款新品——BlackBerry Javelin(标枪),它的正式型号是Curve 8900。
BlackBerry Curve 8900 - Full phone specifications - GSMArena.com
BlackBerry Curve 8900 smartphone. Announced Nov 2008. Features 2.4″ display, 3.15 MP primary camera, 1400 mAh battery.
压轴好戏! 黑莓8900全国首发深度评测-泡泡网
2008年12月22日 · 和08年秋季发售的Bold 9000相比,8900有很多从Bold延续过来的同等级特性,比如同样低调同样够“黑”够“酷”的外观,比如同样的屏幕高解析度,比如 ...
BlackBerry Curve 8900 vs BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900
2013年6月6日 · Side by side comparison between BlackBerry Curve 8900 vs BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900 phones, differences, pros, cons and full specifications. What's the better?
BlackBerry Curve 8900 | CrackBerry
The BlackBerry Curve 8900 was a big upgrade from the Curve 8300. Unlike the Bold 9000 it lacked 3G, but had Wi-Fi-calling enabled. Stylistically, the Curve 8900 was a slight departure from previous BlackBerry devices thanks to its solid black trackball, which was later used in the BlackBerry Tour 9630.
压轴好戏! 黑莓8900全国首发深度评测-泡泡网
在总结本次评测之前,我们先聊聊刷机,官方中文的4.6.1.75(eastasia版)在Curve 8900发售之前就都安装好了,wipe前我给它刷机时间的定位是持平Bold的13 分钟刷机记录,实际是如何呢? 从DM开始刷机计时到DM完工耗时5分钟,BB自启动到进入开机画面耗时5分钟! 超越Bold3分钟,10分钟刷机达成! 目前最快刷机的黑莓就是它了。...
BlackBerry Curve 8900 - MobileTechReview
BlackBerry Bold and BlackBerry Curve 8900. The Curve 8900 features BlackBerry OS 4.6, a 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus lens, GPS and WiFi with UMA calling (T-Mobile's @Home WiFi calling service). It's the thinnest BlackBerry by a slim margin and is significantly more compact than the capacious Bold.
BlackBerry Curve 8900 review: BlackBerry Curve 8900 - CNET
2009年4月7日 · The 8900 is gorgeous, the combination of its stainless steel trim, piano black finish and the amazing display add to make this one of the more attractive phones on the shelf at your local mobile...
Bold or 8900? - BlackBerry Forums at CrackBerry.com
2008年12月12日 · I would recommend the 8900 considering its better resolution (due to slightly smaller screen size as compared to bold and hence a greater pixel density), better camera, faster EDGE (read up on that if you dont know) and better battery life (1 h more than the Bold's).
Difference Between Blackberry Bold and Blackberry 8900
2011年2月20日 · Blackberry Bold vs Blackberry 8900. The Blackberry Bold is a top of the line smart phone from Research In Motion. It is equipped with all the bells and whistles and the corresponding price tag. The 8900 belongs to the Curve line and is a cheaper version of the Bold.