Boötes - Wikipedia
Boötes (/ boʊˈoʊtiːz / boh-OH-teez) is a constellation in the northern sky, located between 0° and +60° declination, and 13 and 16 hours of right ascension on the celestial sphere.
Boötes Constellation (the Herdsman): Stars, Myth, Facts, Location ...
Boötes is one of the largest constellations in the sky. Located in the northern celestial hemisphere, the constellation is dominated by the Kite, a diamond-shaped asterism formed by its brightest stars. The constellation’s name comes from the Greek word Βοώτης, Boōtēs, which means ox driver, plowman, or herdsman.
Boötes constellation: Location, stars and mythology | Space
2023年6月28日 · Boötes is the 13th largest constellation in the night sky and contains one of the brightest stars in the sky, Arcturus. Boötes is an ancient Greek word that roughly translates as the ox-driver, or...
牧夫座 - 百度百科
牧夫座(拉丁语:Boötes /boʊˈoʊtiːz/)是全天88星座之一,位于北天 室女座 的东北方,宽度约30度,高度约50度。 牧夫座是现代的88个星座之一,也是第二世纪的天文学家托勒密叙述的48个星座之一,它含了全夜空中的第四亮星,橙巨星的 大角星。 牧夫座也是其他许多亮星的家,包括8颗比4等亮的星和21颗5等以上的星,总共有29颗肉眼可以轻松看见的恒星。 [14] 牧夫座可以分成两大部分:大角星与东西侧的星和北边许多围成 五边形 的星星。 牧夫座内的 大角星 是夜空 …
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牧夫座 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
牧夫座 (拉丁语: Boötes / boʊˈoʊtiːz /)是北天的一個 星座,在 天球 上的位置跨越 赤緯 0°至+60°, 赤經 13時至16時。 名稱源自 希臘 Βοώτης, Boōtēs,意思是 牧羊人 或 農夫 (照字義是駕牛者,与 拉丁语 的 bovis 「牛」同源)。 在名稱中的“ö”是分音符號,意思是每個“o”要明確的個別發音。 牧夫座是現代的88個星座之一,也是第二世紀的天文學家托勒密敘述的48個星座之一。 它含了全夜空中的 第四亮星 (實際視星等應為第三亮,但若將肉眼無法解析的 南門二 聯星系 …
Boötes | Brightest Star, Northern Sky & Big Dipper | Britannica
Boötes, constellation in the northern sky, at about 15 hours right ascension and 30° north in declination. The brightest star in Boötes is Arcturus, the fourth brightest star in the sky. The radiant of the Quadrantid meteor shower, which happens in early January, is found in Boötes.
The Constellation Boötes - Universe Today
2016年7月15日 · In the northern skies, flanked by the Big Dipper, lies the Bootes constellation, one of the traditional constellations listed by Ptolemy
Boötes - noirlab.edu
Boötes is a spring and summer constellation in the northern hemisphere. The farther south you are located, the less time in the year you will see Boötes. Boötes is home to Arcturus, one of the brightest stars in the sky at a magnitude of –0.05. Arcturus is …
Bootes Constellation | Stars, Nebulae and Viewing Guide
Boötes, pronounced "boh-OH-teez," is a prominent constellation in the northern sky. Its name means "herdsman" or "plowman" in Greek, and it is often depicted as a figure driving oxen and plowing the heavens. Boötes is best known for its bright star Arcturus, one of …