Borei-class submarine - Wikipedia
The Borei class, alternate transliteration Borey, Russian designation Project 955 Borei and Project 955A Borei-A (Russian: Борей, lit. 'Boreas', NATO reporting name Dolgorukiy), are a series of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines being constructed by …
955型战略核潜艇 - 百度百科
955型战略核潜艇(俄文:проекта 955 «Борей»,英文:Project 955 «Borey»,北约代号:Borei-class/Dolgorukiy class,译文:北风之神级),是俄罗斯第四代战略核潜艇。
SSBN Borei Class Nuclear-Powered Submarines - Naval Technology
2020年12月24日 · The Borei Class is a Russian fourth-generation nuclear-powered missile submarine. It is intended to eventually replace the ageing Delta III and Typhoon Class submarines and become an important deterrent for the Russian Navy. It is the first class of submarines developed by Russia since the Soviet era.
苏联帝国留下的红色巨舰(7):北风之神级弹道导弹核潜艇 - 知乎
北风之神(995/995A,Borei)是俄罗斯最新的战略导弹核潜艇,首艇建设于1996年,因此严格地说不能算是苏联帝国留下的遗产。 但是北风之神最早的设计始于1980年,早期的935型北风之神计划搭载R-39U导弹,由于R-39不…
955型核潜艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
955型核子動力潜艇的俄文名为 Борей (意为希腊神话中的北风之神玻瑞阿斯 [1] ,俄方代號:955計劃,西方称为多尔戈鲁基级)是德爾塔级核潜艇和台风级核潜艇的后继型,由俄罗斯 红宝石设计局设计,在俄羅斯潛艦技術劃分內為第四代弹道导弹潜艇 [2] 。 北風之神級潛艦計畫替代前蘇 …
955型核潛艦 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
955型核子動力潛艦的俄文名為 Борей (意為希臘神話中的北風之神玻瑞阿斯 [1] ,俄方代號:955計劃,西方稱為多爾戈魯基級)是德爾塔級核潛艦和颱風級核潛艦的後繼型,由俄羅斯 紅寶石設計局設計,在俄羅斯潛艦技術劃分內為第四代彈道飛彈潛艦 [2] 。 北風之神級潛艦計畫替代前蘇 …
迟来的北境利箭——955A型战略核潜艇 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
想必军迷朋友们都听说过俄罗斯的“北风之神级战略核潜艇”但是近来才出现在媒体上的北风之神“改进型”却比前者更为低调些。到底是后者的保密级别更高还是另有原因? 955a?955?根据对比来看,955a相比955做出了…
俄罗斯最先进核潜艇——955型“北风之神”级 - 百家号
2019年11月11日 · 955型战略核潜艇(俄文:проекта 955 Борей,英文:Project 955 Borey,北约代号:Borei-class/Dolgorukiy class,译文:“北风之神”级)是俄罗斯第四代战略核潜艇,是俄罗斯战略核力量的海军部分的未来基础,也是俄罗斯最现代化的、最先进的水下武器,多次改版 ...
【龙腾网】北风之神级潜艇–探索被认为“世界上最危险”的潜艇 - 哔 …
2020年10月30日 · The Borei submarine’s sonar system has been completely redesigned, allowing the detection of enemy warships 50% farther than the US Navy’s Virginia class submarines. It consists of a complex set of digital devices that provide communication, target acquisition and detection capabilities, and a host of other auxiliary functions.
2020年12月31日 · “博雷”(SSBN Borei)级是俄罗斯第四代核动力导弹潜艇,,为“克尼亚兹弗拉基米尔”号的升级版本,俄罗斯计划用它最终取代老化的“三角洲”III和“台风”级潜艇,并成为俄罗斯海军最为重要的核威慑力量,这是自苏联时代以来俄罗斯开发的第一类核潜艇。
俄罗斯955型战略核潜艇:北风之神内部构造大揭秘 - 网易
2016年12月5日 · 955型战略核潜艇(俄文:проекта 955 ?Борей?,英文:Project 955 ?Borey?,北约代号:Borei-class/Dolgorukiy class,中文:北风之神)是俄罗斯第四代战略 …
Project 935 / Project 955 Borei - GlobalSecurity.org
Project 935 / Project 955 Borei. The construction of Borei-class submarines, designed to carry intercontinental ballistic missiles, is part of the Russian navy's current modernization effort.
Project 955 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Russian Navy Project 955 or Borey/Borei, 'Northwind' in English, is a new strategic nuclear submarine class (SSBN) designed to replace current Project 941 (Typhoon NATO name) and Project 667BDRM (Delta IV NATO name) boats built by the former Soviet Union and in service with the Russian Navy.
Borei-Class: Russia’s New Sub Might Be the Most Dangerous on …
2024年11月11日 · What You Need to Know: Russia’s Borei-class submarines represent a formidable advancement in nuclear-powered submarine technology. Equipped with the Irtysh-Amphora-B-055 sonar system, these subs...
The Borei-A SSBN: How Effective Is Russia’s New Nuclear …
2020年6月16日 · The most emphasized feature for the Borei-A is its noise reduction. The thrusters are an all-metal structure, which reduces noise emission (TV Zvezda, March 8). Also, the submarine is equipped with a new special sound-absorbing coating. The Borei-A received a new redesigned conning sail with a traditional profile.
制衡美國亞太盟邦勢力 俄國「大元帥」核動力潛艦移防太平洋
2023年5月24日 · 〔軍武頻道/綜合報導〕有俄羅斯軍方關係人士指出,俄羅斯海軍最新的北風神級(Borei-class)「蘇沃洛夫大元帥號」(Generalissimo Suvorov),將在今年8月自目前駐守的北方艦隊(the Northern fleet)駛經北極海,移防至俄羅斯太平洋艦隊的永久基地。
The Russian Borei Class Nuclear Submarine
Named after Boreas the northern wind, the Russian Borei class submarine (see Fig.1) is one of the Russian Navy's newest submarine designs. Designed as a replacement to the Russian Akula, Delta III, and Delta IV class nuclear submarines, the Borei class was meant to modernize the Russian submarine fleet.
Submarines: Borei-class SSBN submarines - StrategyPage
2023年11月13日 · Borei is the first new Russian sub design since the end of the Cold War. The other two Boreis, Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Monomakh, benefited from all those delays with the first Borei and were built much more quickly. The Boreis are closer in design to the Delta IVs and American Cold War SSBNs.
Russia’s Borei-Class Submarine Nightmare Just ‘Pulled Into Port’
2025年2月16日 · The Borei-class nuclear submarines were meant to revolutionize Russia’s submarine-launched nuclear deterrent, but problems with the Bulava missile system have plagued the program. Here’s how the Borei-class SSBN stacks up against its rivals.
Russia’s Borei II Class Ballistic Missile Submarines: Your Guide
2020年12月30日 · The Borei class carries the RSM-56 Bulava ballistic missile system, a submarine-launched derivative of Russia’s highly capable Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile. Bulava boasts an ...