be borne by是什么意思? - 百度知道
be borne by的意思是 : 由…承担;由…负担。 be borne by读音:英[bi: bɔ:n bai] 美[bi bɔrn baɪ] 相关例句: (1)The expenses for arbitration shall be borne by the claimant ( respondent). …
born和borne有什么差别? - 知乎
borne是bear的过去分词形式,主动语态和该词后接by的被动语态只能用borne ----- 而我们知道,这里bear肯定是动词,而不是名词“熊”的意思。 例句:① bear作“怀有(感情,尤指坏心情)”的 …
The Difference between 'Born' and 'Borne' | Merriam-Webster
Both born and borne are forms of bear. Born is commonly used with the sense of bear meaning "to give birth." Borne is used in reference to carrying something (physically or figuratively), as …
be borne by是什么意思_be borne by的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例 …
All the travelling expenses will be borne by the host country. 旅费由东道国负担. Losses caused as a result thereof shall be borne by the violator. 由此而造成的损失,由违反者承担. Losses caused …
borne by - 英中 – Linguee词典
investment advisers are borne by the Manager. 基金經理可以委任其他人士作為本基金的投資顧問,但首先必須得到證券及期貨事務監察委員 會批准及投資顧問收取的所有費用 必 須由 基金經 …
BORNE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Borne is, just like born, the past participle of the verb bear, which can mean (among other things) "to contain" or "to give birth to." At first, borne and born were variant spellings of the same …
Borne By, Borne On, and Borne With - DAILY WRITING TIPS
2014年10月16日 · Here are examples of the correct use of borne followed by the prepositions with, on, and by: His wife has borne with his faults for fifty years. The returning war hero was …
BORNE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Get a quick, free translation! BORNE definition: 1. past participle of bear 2. carried or moved by a particular thing: 3. past participle of bear. Learn more.
be borne by中文,be borne by的意思,be borne by翻譯及用法
be borne by中文的意思、翻譯及用法:由…負擔。英漢詞典提供【be borne by】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等
born与borne·的区别 - 百度知道
2014年12月11日 · 区别一 在主动语态中,只能用 borne。如: She has borne him six children. 她给他生了 6 个孩子。 她生了一男一女。 误:She has born a son and a daughter. 正:She …