BORNE OUT Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BEAR OUT is confirm, substantiate. How to use bear out in a sentence.
The Difference between 'Born' and 'Borne' | Merriam-Webster
Both born and borne are forms of bear. Born is commonly used with the sense of bear meaning "to give birth." Borne is used in reference to carrying something (physically or figuratively), as a combining form with words like air, and, occasionally, in the "give birth to" sense.
BORNE OUT Synonyms: 43 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for BORNE OUT: confirmed, verified, proven, supported, corroborated, validated, argued, certified; Antonyms of BORNE OUT: refuted, rebutted, disproved, contradicted, denied, challenged, contested, disputed
Borne Out: Definition, Meaning, and Origin - US Dictionary
2024年6月6日 · "Borne out" is a phrase that refers to the confirmation or substantiation of a fact, theory, or belief after it has been tested or investigated. It indicates that evidence or experience has supported or validated an initial assumption or statement.
Borne out - definition of borne out by The Free Dictionary
Define borne out. borne out synonyms, borne out pronunciation, borne out translation, English dictionary definition of borne out. to give birth to: bear a child; to suffer; endure; undergo: bear the blame; to bring: bear gifts; to render; afford; give: bear witness, bear testimony; an...
Born vs. Borne – What's The Difference? | Thesaurus.com
2022年8月1日 · Born and borne are both past participle forms of the verb bear. Born is used in the context of birth, both literally (I was born on a Tuesday) and figuratively (Most ideas are born from necessity). As a verb, born is always used in the passive voice.
Born vs. Borne | Definition, Difference & Examples - Scribbr
2022年7月12日 · Born out or borne out? The correct past participle of the phrasal verb “bear out” (which means “confirm”) is borne out. Example: “Borne out” in a sentence This assumption was not borne out by the evidence. “Born out of” is also a combination you’ll encounter in some contexts, but it isn’t used to mean “confirm.”
Born vs Borne | Difference, Correct Use & Examples - QuillBot
2024年8月8日 · Bourne out of is an incorrect spelling of the phrase “to be born” followed by the preposition “out of.” The correct spelling is “born out of.” The expression “to be born out of wedlock” means “to be born to parents who were not married” (e.g., “The child was born out …
What does BORNE OUT mean? - Definitions.net
The term "borne out" generally refers to something that has been confirmed or proven to be true or accurate through evidence, experience, or support. It indicates that an idea, theory, or claim has been substantiated and is supported by evidence or results.
Borne out - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To support or prove a claim or idea. A noun or pronoun can be used between "bear" and "out." If you didn't do anything wrong, then the investigation will bea+D6624r out your innocence. If he's so sure he won the student council election, then what's the …