BOSG.12.2 - Rainbow Six Wiki
Contrasted to other shotguns, the BOSG.12.2 fires a single slug instead of a spread of individual pellets, giving it a much longer range and greater damage with a single shell. Also unlike other …
Rainbow Six:BOSG.12.2 - The Tom Clancy Wiki
As of Operation Shadow Legacy, the BOSG.12.2 is the only defender weapon capable of equipping the ACOG sight (Scope 2.5x). The BOSG.12.2 has an arguable DPS of either …
SMG-12 自动手枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
SMG-12 - Rainbow Six Wiki
The SMG-12 is a fast-firing weapon featuring high vertical and horizontal recoil. The weapon's recoil consistently shifts to the left throughout the 4th to 13th shots, after which it quickly shift …
BOSG is not a viable gun on both Vigil and Dokkieabi
SMG12 has probably the worst recoil if you spray with it, however you should only spray at shotgun range. At medium - long range, burst or tap fire for best results.
BOSG+SMG12才是版本答案 - 哔哩哔哩
简介:健身后拉不动枪 手冲后也拉不动枪 综上所述健身=手冲;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 …
smg11和12除了弹容和伤害,后坐力区别在哪最近沉迷smg11,想 …
smg12和11完全不一样,12和evo这俩后座模式近似,并且在目前的r6里是比较特殊的存在。 个人经验,建议先玩evo,evo玩顺手了玩12就能掌握的比较顺利了。
带佬们问一下 男鬼的副武器smg12还说cz75?还有男鬼大概打野思 …
2025年1月12日 · 回坑遗老有个问题想问..smg12这枪是怎么压的,试了一下日本和英国的smg带个消焰器前10发我还控得住,这棒子的smg玩起来我的子弹能绕着对面身体一圈就是到不了身 …
Opinions on the BOSG.12.2 : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2018年9月13日 · Cz75 is god tier now and it shreds people. Use that over yeh smg 12. For attachments for everything just run compensator on K1A and muzzle break on the dmr. Sights …