Indirect Hot Water Tanks | Indirect Hot Water Tanks | Water ... - Bosch
Our indirect tanks offer simple installation, easy maintenance and reliable operation. All Thermoglaze models are equipped with a magnesium anode rod for corrosion protection, a drain for easy maintence, and adjustable screw-on feet for leveling. An easy-access cover helps simplify cleaning and maintainence of the coil and tank interior.
Bosch IoT Suite - A toolbox in the cloud for IoT developers
Manage, update, control, and service your IoT devices throughout their entire life cycle. Collect, process, store, assess, and use your IoT data to the maximum. Empower the intelligent edge and enable your devices for AIoT. Make the IoT the backbone of your business success!
Bosch IoT Rollouts - Developer Bosch IoT Suite
Bosch IoT Rollouts is a domain-independent backend solution, supporting the rollout of software updates or artifact deliveries to edge devices as well as to powerful controllers and gateways. Devices can be connected to the Bosch IoT Rollouts server
Updates - en.wiotexpo.cn
The three-month-long 2020 World Internet of Things Exposition (WIoT), which began in August, came to an end on Nov 18 and proved to be a major success. The event, held since 2016, has become the largest and most influential event in the internet of things (IoT) industry.
Bosch IoT Insights: easily manage your IoT data in the cloud
Bosch IoT Insights is a one-stop self-service tool that gives you the freedom to work independently and autonomously with your data. The data you send to the cloud is first stored in a raw format in an object store. To ensure seamless integration, Bosch IoT Insights offers a standard HTTPS API and an automotive-specific API.
无锡物联网创新中心有限公司,定位“一感两网”,主攻先进感知MEMS芯片工艺研发和代工服务,聚焦工业互联网、车联网两大应用领域。 致力于发展成为物联感知方案领先供应商,为智能制造、智慧交通、智慧港航、智慧电力等行业提供可靠、可信、可控以及定制化的解决方案。 倾力打造物联网产业高地的高峰,努力做到物联网产业关键技术“策源地”、创新人才“集聚区”、公共服务“示范点”、发展“推进器”。 Copyright © 无锡物联网创新中心有限公司 All Rights Reserved. 苏ICP …
WIOT 2019 - wiotexpo
The 2019 World Internet of Things Exposition (WIOT) is set to take place in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, from Sept 7 to 10. The 2019 edition of the event is expected to receive more than 10,000 guests from industrial, academic and political circles who will explore the hottest issues related to IoT, share their experiences in the IoT industry and ...
Examples for Bosch IoT Things - GitHub
This example shows how to connect an ESP8266 based IoT board via Bosch IoT Hub to Bosch IoT Things and how to update a digital twin via "telemetry" data sent from the device.
WIOT 2019 - wiotexpo
In pics: Peek inside WIOT highlights. Discover Wuxi: Expats sample IoT technologies . Wuxi residents look to the future . IoT technologies change life in Wuxi . Discover Wuxi: Peek inside the wonderful world of 2018 WIOT . Flash mob of IoT theme song. Guests Xu Changjun Pascal Soriot Yao Jianquan Lorie Wigle Xu Wenwei
Bosch IoT Things docs | Bosch IoT Things documentation
Bosch IoT Things enables applications to manage digital twins for their IoT device assets in a simple, convenient, robust, and secure way. Based on the digital twin approach, applications can manage asset data, are notified automatically on all relevant changes of their IoT devices, and share device data and functionality across the layers of ...