Bose 901 Series V Objective & Subjective Review - AVS Forum
2020年7月23日 · Hey, folks. I review speakers and drive-units and thought I'd share a recent review/test I completed of the Bose 901 Series V. It would take me an inordinate amount of …
Receivers compatible with Bose 901 speakers... - AVS Forum
2020年11月8日 · I was gifted some Bose 901 Series V speakers and the accompanying equalizer. As some of you may know, these speakers require the Bose equalizer to sound "right." The …
what's the best amp for bose 901s? - AVS Forum
2014年10月24日 · When I saw you graph you presented, I wonder where you got it from. So I went to the Bose web site and downloaded the user's manual for the Bose 901-IV speaker …
TONEAudio reviews the Bose 901 - AVS Forum
2012年3月21日 · The BOSE 901's are not the only speakers they have made, that sound great. I've had a pair of BOSE 601's since 1989, and they have been a blast. I've brought them with …
Bose 901 speaker/equalizer compatability - AVS Forum
2005年11月4日 · The Bose 901 EQ is specific to the speakers, therefore, no other eq will work as well. If I remember the info I got at the Bose tech school in the 70's, the eq has a plus or minus …
Which Receiver for Bose 901 Speakers? - AVS Forum
2010年4月16日 · The little Bose cube speakers are what is over priced. Bose floor speakers, like your 901's, are excellent speakers and do not need marketing hype. The 901's are what got …
Bose 901 compatible recievers - AVS Forum
2010年6月7日 · I'm looking for an inexpensive Bose 901 compatible AVR reciever in 5.1 or 7.1. 901's are an old system originally set up for PreAmp - to a specialised 901 equaliser - to …
setting up home theatre using Bose 901s w/the equalizer
2011年8月24日 · Sorry to bump an old thread, however I have recently purchased set of Bose 901 series VI speakers (and EQ) and I want to incorporate them into my current 5.1 home …
Bose 901 speakers - AVS Forum
2023年6月4日 · Bose 901 Series VI Active Equalizer Measurements The Bose 901 Series V has been measured on the Klippel NFS. In Erin's measurements, he noted that the equalizer …
BOSE 901 (Bose 901s) Speakers - AVS Forum
2009年9月6日 · re: Bose 901 Speakers There are just too many incorrect statements about Bose 901 or 901s. The Bose 901 Speakers are fantastic speakers. True there are many other good …