BOSG.12.2 - Rainbow Six Wiki
The BOSG 12.2 appears to be based on the Stoeger Double Defense Over and Under shotguns. The shape of its stock and top rail draws some inspiration from the Mossberg Maverick HS-12 …
BOSG.12.2 霰弹枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
中折式立双霰弹枪。 射程较长,适用战术配备。 该枪在测试服测试时,能够打碎 总统专机 的机窗玻璃,虽然不能单次射击直接穿透,但当时也引起了一阵话题。 然而这个功能在正式服还是 …
Rainbow Six:BOSG.12.2 - The Tom Clancy Wiki
The BOSG.12.2 is a shotgun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation White Noise expansion. It is available for use by Dokkaebi and Vigil. Overview. …
BOSG.12.2 - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
The BOSG.12.2 is a shotgun gun featured in Rainbow Six Siege. It was introduced in the Operation White Noise expansion pack and is available for use by Dokkaebi and Vigil.
2017年11月21日 · BOSG.12.2. 装有独头弹的霰弹枪,不能像其他霰弹枪那样开墙(5发可以开一个洞,不过效率太低了),3发可以破坏hatch(跟glaz一样) 虽然面板数据很高,但是因为是霰弹 …
《彩虹六号异种》武器图鉴 武器伤害、射速等参数一览_主武器-BOSG…
2022年1月25日 · 伤害最高的霰弹枪,可以装消音器,拆了消音器威力直接溢出,高达125! 近距离打精英怪很好用。 缺点是弹容只有两发,不适合高强度战斗,适合装上消音器潜行。 《彩 …
On Vigil, which Gun should I use? : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
The BOSG is a fun gun and if you're really accurate it can be deadly, but I would say that the K1A is a much better gun and actually a pretty good SMG all around. I usually use the C725 as my …
How do you play the Bosg 12.2 properly : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
The only way you are going to be effective with tg Bosg is if you have god like aim, you have to hit your first shot, or only god for the 1tap HS. But if you have this level aim go with the dmr you'll …
BOSG is not a viable gun on both Vigil and Dokkieabi
The C75 (only gun I’d ever run with the bosg) is a decent enough pistol to handle quite a few CQB engagements, so you could potentially use the Bosg for long corridors or window peaks. …
足以改变《彩虹六号》的新武器BOSG.12.2 字幕制作者:Henry Lam、魂花、Paul Yeh、Chi Wang Siu 原视频地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfi-pjLkGiY. 喜欢游戏 科技 科普相 …